


  1. Alice 接到 Eve 的来电(无论是来自外线还是另一个分机,无所谓)。
  2. Alice 向 Bob 发出转接并在 Bob 应答之前挂断电话。
  3. 鲍勃没有接电话。
  4. 在 ${ATXFERNOANSWERTIMEOUT} 秒后,拨号计划对话框中不再输入类似的-- Nobody picked up in 30000 ms命令,而是转到下一个命令,而是自动销毁,整个对话就会结束,而无需执行拨号计划步骤。


Executing [291@UserDefault:1] Dial("SIP/290-0000005e", "SIP/291,30,Ttm") in new stack
-- Called SIP/291
-- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/290-0000005e
-- SIP/291-0000005f is ringing
-- SIP/291-0000005f answered SIP/290-0000005e
-- Stopped music on hold on SIP/290-0000005e
-- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/290-0000005e
-- <SIP/291-0000005f> Playing 'pbx-transfer.slin' (language 'ru')
-- Executing [292@UserDefault:1] Dial("Local/292@UserDefault-00000009;2", "SIP/292,30,Ttm") in new stack
-- Called SIP/292
-- Started music on hold, class 'default', on Local/292@UserDefault-00000009;2
-- SIP/292-00000060 is ringing
[May 28 14:56:03] WARNING[-1]: chan_sip.c:4057 __sip_autodestruct: Autodestruct on dialog '328de1203d9af4827ee910cd33209549@sip.######.local' with owner SIP/291-0000005f in place (Method: BYE). Rescheduling destruction for 10000 ms
[May 28 14:56:10] WARNING[-1]: chan_sip.c:4057 __sip_autodestruct: Autodestruct on dialog '328de1203d9af4827ee910cd33209549@sip.######.local' with owner SIP/291-0000005f in place (Method: BYE). Rescheduling destruction for 10000 ms
[May 28 14:56:10] NOTICE[-1]: features.c:3640 feature_request_and_dial: We exceeded our AT-timeout for Local/292@UserDefault-00000009;1
-- Stopped music on hold on Local/292@UserDefault-00000009;2
== Spawn extension (UserDefault, 292, 1) exited non-zero on 'Local/292@UserDefault-00000009;2'
-- SIP/291-00000061 is ringing
[May 28 14:56:16] WARNING[-1]: chan_sip.c:4057 __sip_autodestruct: Autodestruct on dialog '328de1203d9af4827ee910cd33209549@sip.######.local' with owner SIP/291-0000005f in place (Method: BYE). Rescheduling destruction for 10000 ms
[May 28 14:56:22] WARNING[-1]: chan_sip.c:4057 __sip_autodestruct: Autodestruct on dialog '328de1203d9af4827ee910cd33209549@sip.######.local' with owner SIP/291-0000005f in place (Method: BYE). Rescheduling destruction for 10000 ms
[May 28 14:56:25] NOTICE[-1]: features.c:3640 feature_request_and_dial: We exceeded our AT-timeout for SIP/291-00000061
-- Stopped music on hold on SIP/290-0000005e
== Spawn extension (UserDefault, 291, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/290-0000005e'

