在 SL6 x86_64 上托管 proftpd 时,我遇到了一个有趣的问题。当我从源代码编译时,proftpd 可执行文件会忽略 HideGroup 功能。但是,当我通过 rpm 从 epel 安装旧版本时,此 HideGroup 功能可以正常工作。为什么从源代码/tar 安装时会忽略 mod_core 中的此功能,而从 epel/rpm 安装时却可以接受?
我在 '/var/ftp/' 中有一个名为“pictures”的目录,我不希望匿名用户看到它。因此我在 conf 中设置了 HideGroup,但它被忽略了!知道为什么吗?以下是一些调试信息。
[robertk@bunsy ~]$ ll /var/ftp/
total 40
drwxrwxr-x. 3 bobby bobby 20480 Jul 27 11:10 pictures
drwxr-xr-x. 7 root root 4096 Dec 20 2013 pub
d-wx-wx--x 2 ftp ftp 4096 Dec 20 2013 uploads
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 224 Dec 20 2013 welcome.msg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 224 Dec 20 2013 welcome.msg.rpmnew
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1283 Jul 23 17:18 welcome.msg.rpmsave
[robertk@bunsy ~]$
[root@bunsy proftpd-1.3.5a]# ./configure --prefix=/opt/proftpd-1.3.5a/ --enable-cap --enable-dso --enable-nls --enable-shadow
当我在非守护进程详细模式下运行 proftpd 时,它会吐出以下内容:
[root@bunsy proftpd-1.3.5a]# /opt/proftpd-1.3.5a/sbin/proftpd -d 10 -n -DANONYMOUS_FTP -c /usr/local/etc/proftpd.conf
: in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/var/ftp/'.
: retrieved GID 45755 for group 'bobby'
: HideGroup 'root' is not a known/valid group, ignoring
: dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_cap
: mod_cap/1.1: uid = 14, euid = 14, gid = 50, egid = 50
: mod_cap/1.1: capabilities '= cap_chown,cap_setgid,cap_setuid,cap_net_bind_service+ep cap_mac_override+ei'
: dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
: dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
: dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_ls
: dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
: RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1963
: dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_rlimit
: dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_xfer
: dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
: dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
: dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
: ANON ftp: Login successful.
: dispatching PRE_CMD command 'SYST' to mod_core
: dispatching PRE_CMD command 'SYST' to mod_core
: dispatching CMD command 'SYST' to mod_core
: dispatching LOG_CMD command 'SYST' to mod_log
: dispatching PRE_CMD command 'FEAT' to mod_core
: dispatching PRE_CMD command 'FEAT' to mod_core
: dispatching CMD command 'FEAT' to mod_core
: in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/var/ftp/'.
: HideGroup 'bobby' is not a known/valid group, ignoring
: dispatching LOG_CMD command 'FEAT' to mod_log
: dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PWD' to mod_core
: dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PWD' to mod_core
: dispatching CMD command 'PWD' to mod_core
: in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/var/ftp/'.
: HideGroup 'bobby' is not a known/valid group, ignoring
: dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PWD' to mod_log
: dispatching PRE_CMD command 'EPSV' to mod_core
: dispatching PRE_CMD command 'EPSV' to mod_core
: dispatching CMD command 'EPSV' to mod_core
: in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/var/ftp/'.
: HideGroup 'bobby' is not a known/valid group, ignoring
: Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||25228|)
: dispatching LOG_CMD command 'EPSV' to mod_log
: dispatching PRE_CMD command 'LIST' to mod_core
: dispatching PRE_CMD command 'LIST' to mod_core
: dispatching CMD command 'LIST' to mod_ls
: passive data connection opened - local :
: passive data connection opened - remote :
: in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/var/ftp/'.
: HideGroup 'bobby' is not a known/valid group, ignoring
: in dir_check_full(): path = '/igspush', fullpath = '/var/ftp/igspush'.
: HideGroup 'bobby' is not a known/valid group, ignoring
: in dir_check_full(): path = '/pub', fullpath = '/var/ftp/pub'.
: HideGroup 'bobby' is not a known/valid group, ignoring
: in dir_check_full(): path = '/uploads', fullpath = '/var/ftp/uploads'.
: HideGroup 'bobby' is not a known/valid group, ignoring
: in dir_check_full(): path = '/welcome.msg', fullpath = '/var/ftp/welcome.msg'.
: HideGroup 'bobby' is not a known/valid group, ignoring
: in dir_check_full(): path = '/welcome.msg.rpmnew', fullpath = '/var/ftp/welcome.msg.rpmnew'.
: HideGroup 'bobby' is not a known/valid group, ignoring
: in dir_check_full(): path = '/welcome.msg.rpmsave', fullpath = '/var/ftp/welcome.msg.rpmsave'.
这是我在 proftpd.conf 中对 ANONYMOUS_FTP 块的配置
<Anonymous ~ftp>
User ftp
Group ftp
# We want clients to be able to login with "anonymous" as well as "ftp"
UserAlias anonymous ftp
# Do not allow blank "passwords"
# AnonRejectPasswords ^$ | ([ \t\n\r\f])
# Maximum clients with message
MaxClients 100 "Sorry, max of users reached (%m) -- try again later"
MaxClientsPerUser 20 "Sorry, max clients for this user reached (%m) -- try again later"
# Put the user into /pub right after login
#DefaultChdir /pub
# We want 'welcome.msg' displayed at login, '.message' displayed in
# each newly chdired directory and tell users to read README* files.
#DisplayLogin /welcome.msg
DisplayChdir .message
#DisplayReadme README*
# Cosmetic option to make all files appear to be owned by user "ftp"
DirFakeUser on ftp
DirFakeGroup on ftp
# Limit WRITE everywhere in the anonymous chroot
# Allow logins (for anonymous) since they are disabled above.
<Limit LOGIN>
Order deny,allow
Deny from .com
Deny from <some ip>
Deny from <some ip>
Allow from all
HideNoAccess on
HideGroup bobby
HideGroup root
#HideGroup 45755
<Limit ALL>
IgnoreHidden on
#ShowSymlinks off
# Don't write anonymous accesses to the system wtmp file (good idea!)
WtmpLog off
# Logging for the anonymous transfers
ExtendedLog /var/log/proftpd/access.log WRITE,READ default
ExtendedLog /var/log/proftpd/auth.log AUTH auth
当我运行 proftpd(通过 rpm(yum)从 epel 安装)指向相同的 /usr/local/etc/proftpd.conf 时,一切都运行正常!
$ proftpd -V
通过 rpm(yum) 从 epel 安装的版本?上述命令发出的内容之一是用于该proftpd
命令选项与用于 epel 版本的选项进行比较,您可能会找到罪魁祸首。