使用 pfctl 和 dnctl 在 OSX 10.10 上进行流量整形

使用 pfctl 和 dnctl 在 OSX 10.10 上进行流量整形

pfctl我正在尝试通过和在 Mac OS X 10.10 上进行流量整形(限制)dnctl

我已经使用 netcat ( ) 和合成随机有效负载文件实现了一个简单的测试服务器和客户端,nc以验证我的虚拟网络管道节流是否正常工作。到目前为止,尝试使用murus 防火墙 GUI 应用程序似乎不能正确地限制流量(64MB 传输在约 200 毫秒内完成)。

这是一个完整的示例OSX bash shell 脚本(需要brew install coreutilsgdate。如果您在一个终端中运行它,如下所示:

./throttle-test.sh server


./throttle-test.sh client

它们将尝试通过您的en0接口传输 64MB 的有效负载(不使用,lo0因为其巨大的 MTU 与 WAN 流量不类似)。

我还测试了将文件传输到远程 Linux 笔记本电脑,以查看源 IP 和目标 IP 是否都是本地 IP,从而绕过了限制,但即使对于我的 LAN/wifi 上的远程机器,速度也比限制的限制快得多。

我的问题是,配置pfctldnctl限制此文件传输到给定带宽限制(例如 8mbps)的正确脚本是什么。限制的范围可以是特定的 TCP 端口。

注意 OS X 10.10 不再包含,ipfw所以我正在寻找使用pfctl和的东西dnctl


set -o errexit    # always exit on error
set -o errtrace   # trap errors in functions as well
set -o pipefail   # don't ignore exit codes when piping output
set -o posix      # more strict failures in subshells
# set -x          # enable debugging

IFS="$(printf "\n\t")"

setup_payload() {
  local payload_path="$1"
  local size_kbytes="$2"
  mkdir -p $(basename "${payload_path}")

  if [[ -f "${payload_path}" ]]; then
    local on_disk=$(wc -c < "${payload_path}")
  if [[ ${on_disk} -ne $((${size_kbytes} * 1024)) ]]; then
    echo "creating payload file ${payload_path}"
    dd if=/dev/urandom of="${payload_path}" \
      bs=1024 count="${size_kbytes}" &> /dev/null

start_server() {
  local payload_path="$1"
  local ip="$2"
  local port="$3"
  while true; do
    echo "Starting netcat server for ${payload_path} on ${ip}:${port}"
    nc -l "${ip}" "${port}" < "${payload_path}"
    sleep 1

hash() {
  shasum -a 256 "$1" | cut -d " " -f 1

verify_hashes() {
  # Sanity check no funny business
  from_hash=$(hash "$1")
  to_hash=$(hash "$2")
  if [[ "${from_hash}" != "${to_hash}" ]]; then
    echo "checksums did not match ${from_hash} ${to_hash}" 1>&2
    exit 10

client() {
  local payload_path="$1"
  local ip="$2"
  local port="$3"

  # time how long it takes to transfer the payload file
  start=$(gdate +%s%3N)
  nc -d "${ip}" "${port}" > "${payload_path}.client"
  stop=$(gdate +%s%3N)

  verify_hashes "${payload_path}" "${payload_path}.client"

  local duration=$((${stop} - ${start}))
  echo "${duration}"

main() {
  local size_kbytes=$((64 * 1024)) # 64 MB
  local payload_path="/tmp/throttle-test/data-${size_kbytes}.bin"
  local port="${PORT-9112}"
  # You may need to change this if you are on linux
  local interface="${INTERFACE-en0}"
  local ip=$(ipconfig getifaddr "${interface}")

  setup_payload "${payload_path}" "${size_kbytes}"
  case "$1" in
      start_server "${payload_path}" "${ip}" "${port}"
      local duration=$(client "${payload_path}" "${ip}" "${port}")
      echo "Transfered ${size_kbytes} kbytes in ${duration} ms"
      echo "Usage: $0 <server|client>"

main "$@"



throttle_start() {
  local down_mbps="$1"
  local up_mbps="$2"
  local delay=$(($3 / 2))
  sudo dnctl pipe 1 config bw "${down_mbps}Mbit/s" delay "${delay}"
  sudo dnctl pipe 2 config bw "${up_mbps}Mbit/s" delay "${delay}"
  (cat /etc/pf.conf && \
    echo 'dummynet-anchor "throttle"' && \
    echo 'anchor "throttle"') | sudo pfctl -f -
  cat << EOF | sudo pfctl -a throttle -f -
dummynet in quick proto tcp from any port = 9112 to any pipe 1
dummynet out quick proto tcp from any to any port = 9112 pipe 2
  sudo pfctl -q -e


这是我在 El Capitan 10.11 上使用过的脚本,并取得了一些成功:


# Reset dummynet to default config
dnctl -f flush

# Compose an addendum to the default config: creates a new anchor
(cat /etc/pf.conf &&
  echo 'dummynet-anchor "my_anchor"' &&
  echo 'anchor "my_anchor"') | pfctl -q -f -

# Configure the new anchor
cat <<EOF | pfctl -q -a my_anchor -f -
no dummynet quick on lo0 all
dummynet out proto tcp from any to any port 1:65535 pipe 1

# Create the dummynet queue
dnctl pipe 1 config bw 40000byte/s

# Activate PF
pfctl -E

# to check that dnctl is properly configured: sudo dnctl list

唯一相关的区别似乎是no dummynet quick on lo0 all,我真的不知道它是做什么的,在这里找到:https://www.reddit.com/r/osx/comments/3g7dim/limiting_bandwidth_per_application/
