我在“嘿,脚本小子!博客”上找到了下面的 powershell 脚本,这是一个很棒的 arching 脚本。我修改了它以满足我创建日志文件和发送电子邮件的需求。但是我发现 move-file 命令太慢了,我想改用 robocopy。我使用了 robocoopy,但我一直收到“ERROR 123 (0x0000007B) 访问源目录 C:\shared\test\New Microsoft Visio Drawing.vsd\”我不确定是什么原因造成的,希望有人能帮忙。
[string] $server = 'Test'
[string] $source = "c:\shared\test"
[string] $target = "C:\shared\test1"
[int] $days = 60
$logdate = Get-Date -Format MM-dd-yy
[string] $log = ('c:\shared\logs\testlog-'+ $logdate + '.log')
# Object created for shortcut creation
$wsh = new-object -comobject wscript.shell
# Get all the files from the source path, that are not shortcuts and older than the days set
Get-ChildItem $source -Recurse |
Where-Object {!$_.psiscontainer -and ((get-date) - $_.lastwritetime).totaldays -gt $days -and $_.extension -ne ".lnk"} |
ForEach-Object {
# For each file build the destination path
$dest = $_.fullname -replace ([regex]::escape($source)), $target
# Check if the destination file path has the parent directory, if not create it
$parent = split-path $dest
if(!(test-path $parent)){
[void] (new-item -Path (split-path $parent) -Name (split-path $parent -leaf) -ItemType directory)
# Save the modification date and the ACL of the file for later use
$date = $_.lastwritetime
$acl = $_ | Get-Acl
# Try to move the file into the destination
Robocopy.exe $_.fullname "$dest" /mov /e /zb /r:1 /copyall /nfl /np /LOG+:"$log"
#Move-Item -Path $_.fullname -Destination $dest -Verbose -ErrorAction silentlycontinue *>&1 | Out-File -FilePath $log -Append
# If successful create shortcut
$shortCut = $wsh.CreateShortCut("$($_.fullname).lnk")
$shortCut.TargetPath = $dest
# Set the "date modified" property of the shortcut same as date modified property of the original file
(Get-Item "$($_.fullname).lnk").lastwritetime = $date
# Replace the access control entries on the shortcut, so that users have read only access to it
$acl | Set-Acl -Path "$($_.fullname).lnk"
$acl = Get-Item "$($_.fullname).lnk" | Get-Acl
$acl.Access | where-object {"BUILTIN\Administrators" -ne $_.identityreference -and "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" -ne $_.identityreference} |
ForEach-Object {
$identity = $_.identityreference
[void] $acl.RemoveAccessRule($_)
$restrictedACE = New-Object system.security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($identity,"ReadAndExecute",,,"Allow")
$acl | Set-Acl
# Else write error message
else { write-host "Error moving $_" -ForegroundColor red}
#Mail Server Variables
$SMTPserver = "test.abc.com"
$from = "[email protected]"
$to = "[email protected]"
$subject = $server + " Offline Data Archive Report " + $logdate
# Send email
Send-MailMessage -From $from -To $to -SmtpServer $SMTPserver -Subject $subject -Body ('Attached is the log file for files Archived on ' + $server + ' on ' + $logdate ) -Attachments ( $log)
- 确保源参数和目标参数都用双引号引起来,但在本例中似乎
没有。 - 检查源路径和目标路径不超过 Windows 文件路径和名称长度规范(总共 260 个字符)
- 检查源路径和目标路径不包含任何保留文件/路径字符 (< > ; " / \ | ? *)
- 如果这不起作用,尝试使用以下方法捕获复制过程进程监控并发布捕获文件。