如何在 CLI 上获取 Dell Poweredge 服务器的功耗?

如何在 CLI 上获取 Dell Poweredge 服务器的功耗?

如何从命令行界面测量 Dell Poweredge 服务器的功耗?


按照以下说明安装 srvadmin-all 包和依赖项:http://linux.dell.com/repo/hardware/latest/

您可能需要注销并重新登录才能正确设置 $PATH。


[root@poweredge ~]# omreport chassis pwrmonitoring
Power Consumption Information

Power Consumption
Index             : 2
Status            : Ok
Probe Name        : System Board Pwr Consumption
Reading           : 126 W
Warning Threshold : 896 W
Failure Threshold : 980 W

PS1 Current 1 : 0.6 A
PS2 Current 2 : 0.2 A

Power Headroom
System Instantaneous Headroom : 766 W
System Peak Headroom          : 549 W

Power Tracking Statistics
Statistic               : Energy Consumption
Measurement Start Time  : Wed Oct 17 20:18:51 2012
Measurement Finish Time : Fri Nov 13 09:51:52 2015
Reading                 : 3041.1 kWh

Statistic              : System Peak Power
Measurement Start Time : Wed Oct 17 20:18:51 2012
Peak Time              : Tue Jun  2 10:42:27 2015
Peak Reading           : 351 W

Statistic              : System Peak Amperage
Measurement Start Time : Wed Oct 17 20:18:51 2012
Peak Time              : Wed Aug  5 07:09:49 2015
Peak Reading           : 1024.2 A


就我的情况omreport chassis pwrmonitoring来说或许没有给出我想要的结果。

2021 年在 Proxmox 7 上进行了测试


racadm get system.Power.Realtime.Power
racadm get system.Power.Realtime.Power
56 W | 191 Btu/hr


racadm get system.Power
#Avg.LastDay=58 W | 198 Btu/hr
#Avg.LastHour=58 W | 198 Btu/hr
#Avg.LastWeek=57 W | 195 Btu/hr
#EnergyConsumption=25.455 KWh | 86878 Btu
#EnergyConsumption.Clear=******** (Write-Only)
#EnergyConsumption.StarttimeStamp=Sat Jul 03 17:05:13 2021
#Max.Amps=0.7 Amps
#Max.Amps.Timestamp=Sat Jul 17 23:40:46 2021
#Max.Headroom=731 W | 2495 Btu/hr
#Max.LastDay=99 W | 338 Btu/hr
#Max.LastDay.Timestamp=Thu Jul 22 23:35:53 2021
#Max.LastHour=86 W | 294 Btu/hr
#Max.LastHour.Timestamp=Fri Jul 23 19:20:05 2021
#Max.LastWeek=152 W | 519 Btu/hr
#Max.LastWeek.Timestamp=Sat Jul 17 23:41:23 2021
#Max.Power=169 W | 577 Btu/hr
#Max.Power.Timestamp=Mon Jul 19 05:02:47 2021
#Max.PowerClear=******** (Write-Only)
#Min.LastDay=54 W | 184 Btu/hr
#Min.LastDay.Timestamp=Thu Jul 22 20:24:57 2021
#Min.LastHour=54 W | 184 Btu/hr
#Min.LastHour.Timestamp=Fri Jul 23 19:00:05 2021
#Min.LastWeek=53 W | 181 Btu/hr
#Min.LastWeek.Timestamp=Fri Jul 16 19:57:31 2021
#Realtime.Amps=0.2 Amps
#Realtime.Headroom=837 W | 2857 Btu/hr
#Realtime.Power=63 W | 215 Btu/hr
#RedundancyCapabilities=Not Redundant,Input Power Redundant
RedundancyPolicy=Not Redundant


racadm getconfig -g cfgServerPower
root@pve:~# racadm getconfig -g cfgServerPower
# cfgServerActualPowerConsumption=65 W | 222 Btu/hr
# cfgServerPeakPowerConsumption=169 W | 577 Btu/hr
# cfgServerPeakPowerConsumptionTimestamp=Mon Jul 19 05:02:47 2021
# cfgServerPowerConsumptionClear=******** (Write-Only)
# cfgServerPowerLastHourAvg=58 W | 198 Btu/hr
# cfgServerPowerLastDayAvg=58 W | 198 Btu/hr
# cfgServerPowerLastWeekAvg=57 W | 195 Btu/hr
# cfgServerPowerLastHourMinPower=54 W | 184 Btu/hr
# cfgServerPowerLastHourMinTime=Fri Jul 23 18:58:59 2021
# cfgServerPowerLastHourMaxPower=86 W | 294 Btu/hr
# cfgServerPowerLastHourMaxTime=Fri Jul 23 18:50:01 2021
# cfgServerPowerLastDayMinPower=54 W | 184 Btu/hr
# cfgServerPowerLastDayMinTime=Thu Jul 22 20:24:57 2021
# cfgServerPowerLastDayMaxPower=99 W | 338 Btu/hr
# cfgServerPowerLastDayMaxTime=Thu Jul 22 23:35:53 2021
# cfgServerPowerLastWeekMinPower=53 W | 181 Btu/hr
# cfgServerPowerLastWeekMinTime=Fri Jul 16 19:40:13 2021
# cfgServerPowerLastWeekMaxPower=152 W | 519 Btu/hr
# cfgServerPowerLastWeekMaxTime=Sat Jul 17 23:41:23 2021
# cfgServerPowerInstHeadroom=835 W | 2850 Btu/hr
# cfgServerPowerPeakHeadroom=731 W | 2495 Btu/hr
# cfgServerActualAmperageConsumption=0.2 Amps
# cfgServerPeakAmperage=0.7 Amps
# cfgServerPeakAmperageTimeStamp=Sat Jul 17 23:40:46 2021
# cfgServerCumulativePowerConsumption=25.443 KWh | 86837 Btu
# cfgServerCumulativePowerConsumptionTimeStamp=Sat Jul 03 17:05:13 2021
# cfgServerCumulativePowerClear=******** (Write-Only)

RAC1168: The RACADM "getconfig" command will be deprecated in a
future version of iDRAC firmware. Run the RACADM 
"racadm get" command to retrieve the iDRAC configuration parameters.
For more information on the get command, run the RACADM command
"racadm help get".


这在运行 Debian 10 的 Dell Poweredge T620 上有效:

ipmitool dcmi power reading


Instantaneous power reading:                   135 Watts
Minimum during sampling period:                 80 Watts
Maximum during sampling period:                465 Watts
Average power reading over sample period:      155 Watts
IPMI timestamp:                           20/08/23 05:02:42    UTC   
Sampling period:                          00000001 Seconds.
Power reading state is:                   activated
