无法将帐户“Everyone”映射到 SID

无法将帐户“Everyone”映射到 SID

我有一个脚本,可以启用文件夹共享并设置共享权限。该脚本运行正常,但有一个例外,如果你想生成 HomeUse-Directory,这个例外是最重要的。我无法为组“Everyone”设置共享权限,并显示错误消息:

无法将帐户“Everyone”映射到 SID

所以我做了一些研究,发现非常有趣的文章,其中说“Everyone”组直到 Windows Vista/Server 2008 才有 SID。

读了更多书之后我发现其他文章名为“众所周知的 SID”。现在我有 World/Everyone 组的 SID,因为这些组未在 AD 中列出。因此,我更改了脚本以直接搜索 SID,而不是使用 Windows 2000 之前的参数。遗憾的是,这也不起作用。


据我所知,“Everyone” 是一个非基于 AD 的组,就像“本地管理员”和“系统”一样。奇怪的是,我可以为“系统”设置共享权限,但不能为“Everyone/World/SELF”设置共享权限





            Dim SetEntriesResult As UInteger = SetEntriesInAcl(1, ExplicitAccessRule(i), AclPtr, AclPtr)
            'Check the result of the SetEntriesInAcl API call
            If SetEntriesResult = ERROR_NONE_MAPPED Then
                Throw New ApplicationException("The account " & FullAccountName & " could not be mapped to a security identifier (SID).")
            ElseIf SetEntriesResult <> 0 Then
                Throw New ApplicationException("The account " & FullAccountName & " could not be added to the ACL as the follow error was encountered: " & SetEntriesResult & ".")
            End If



       <DllImportAttribute("advapi32.dll", EntryPoint:="SetEntriesInAclW")> _
        Private Shared Function SetEntriesInAcl(ByVal cCountOfExplicitEntries As Integer, <InAttribute()> ByRef pListOfExplicitEntries As EXPLICIT_ACCESS, <InAttribute()> ByVal OldAcl As System.IntPtr, ByRef NewAcl As System.IntPtr) As UInteger
        End Function

Public Shared Function ShareExistingFolder(ByVal ShareName As String, ByVal ShareComment As String, ByVal LocalPath As String, ByVal SharePermissions As List(Of SharePermissionEntry), Optional ByVal ComputerName As String = Nothing) As NET_API_STATUS
            'Argument validation
            If String.IsNullOrEmpty(ShareName) OrElse String.IsNullOrEmpty(LocalPath) OrElse SharePermissions Is Nothing OrElse SharePermissions.Count = 0 Then
                Throw New ArgumentException("Invalid argument specified - ShareName, LocalPath and SharePermissions arguments must not be empty")
            End If

            'Create array of explicit access rules, one for each user specified in the SharePermissions argument
            Dim ExplicitAccessRule(SharePermissions.Count - 1) As EXPLICIT_ACCESS
            'This pointer will hold the full ACL (access control list) once the loop below has completed
            Dim AclPtr As IntPtr

        'Loop through each entry in our list of explicit access rules, build each one and add it to the ACL
        For i As Integer = 0 To ExplicitAccessRule.Length - 1
            'Build the user or group name
            Dim FullAccountName As String = String.Empty
            If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(SharePermissions(i).DomainName) Then
                FullAccountName = SharePermissions(i).DomainName & "\"
            End If
            FullAccountName &= SharePermissions(i).UserOrGroupName
            'Create a TRUSTEE structure and populate it with the user account details
            Dim Account As New TRUSTEE
            With Account
                .MultipleTrusteeOperation = MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE_OPERATION.NO_MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE
                .pMultipleTrustee = 0
                .TrusteeForm = TRUSTEE_FORM.TRUSTEE_IS_NAME
                .ptstrName = FullAccountName
                .TrusteeType = TRUSTEE_TYPE.TRUSTEE_IS_UNKNOWN
            End With
            'Populate the explicit access rule for this user/permission
            With ExplicitAccessRule(i)
                'Set this to an Allow or Deny entry based on what was specified in the AllowOrDeny property
                If SharePermissions(i).AllowOrDeny Then
                    .grfAccessMode = ACCESS_MODE.GRANT_ACCESS
                    .grfAccessMode = ACCESS_MODE.DENY_ACCESS
                End If
                'Build the access mask for the share permission specified for this user
                If SharePermissions(i).Permission = SharedFolder.SharePermissions.Read Then
                ElseIf SharePermissions(i).Permission = SharedFolder.SharePermissions.FullControl Then
                    .grfAccessPermissions = ACCESS_MASK.GENERIC_ALL
                End If
                'Not relevant for share permissions so just set to NO_INHERITANCE
                .grfInheritance = NO_INHERITANCE
                'Set the Trustee to the TRUSTEE structure we created earlier in the loop
                .Trustee = Account
            End With  
