手机无法在 Asterisk 服务器上注册

手机无法在 Asterisk 服务器上注册

我正在尝试在我们的 asterisk 服务器上注册 Grandstream 电话。我们已经这样做了几十次,记录了如何做到这一点,但最近它不再起作用了……我试过几部手机 - 它们都拒绝了。安装的电话可以正常工作并重新启动,没有问题。

Asterisk 安装在旧服务器上,需要迁移到新服务器,同时更新 Asterisk 1.4。目前是旧服务器。

对于 Grandstream 电话,我们使用一个脚本来生成一个配置文件,该文件由电话下载。Apache 日志显示该文件已下载。电话连接到网络,获取 IP 地址,下载配置文件,并在接听电话时显示正确的电话号码。

在 sip.conf 中配置电话,重新加载 sip 和拨号计划。

配置文件是从另一台服务器(网络服务器)下载的。此服务器已更新,应运行生成配置文件的脚本。这在此服务器上不再起作用。在旧的 asterisk 服务器上,脚本确实运行。当我们在那里执行它时,它会生成文件。我们将该文件复制到另一台服务器,在那里下载并由手机使用,显示更新后的配置,例如不同的电话号码。




以下是将详细级别和调试级别设置为 5 后的输出asterisk -r。我桌上的电话显示的 IP 地址是,但我在日志的任何地方都看不到这个地址。

asterisk01*CLI> core set verbose 5
Verbosity was 3 and is now 5
asterisk01*CLI> core set debug 5
Core debug was 0 and is now 5
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: REGISTER
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS
asterisk01*CLI> module reload logger
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/logger.conf': Found
Asterisk Event Logger restarted
Asterisk Queue Logger restarted
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: REGISTER
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: SUBSCRIBE
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: REGISTER
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: SUBSCRIBE
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: REGISTER
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: REGISTER
[2016-03-15 09:40:32] NOTICE[22537]: chan_sip.c:7392 sip_reregister:    -- Re-registration for  [email protected]
    -- ast_get_srv: SRV lookup for '' mapped to host, port 5060
REGISTER attempt 1 to [email protected]
REGISTER attempt 2 to [email protected]
[2016-03-15 09:40:32] NOTICE[22537]: chan_sip.c:12475 handle_response_register: Outbound Registration: Expiry for bd.abcvoip.test is 120 sec (Scheduling reregistration in 105 s)
[2016-03-15 09:40:32] NOTICE[22537]: chan_sip.c:7392 sip_reregister:    -- Re-registration for  [email protected]
    -- ast_get_srv: SRV lookup for '' mapped to host, port 6060
REGISTER attempt 1 to [email protected]
REGISTER attempt 2 to [email protected]
[2016-03-15 09:40:32] NOTICE[22537]: chan_sip.c:12475 handle_response_register: Outbound Registration: Expiry for bd.abcvoip.test is 120 sec (Scheduling reregistration in 105 s)
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: REGISTER
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: REGISTER
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: REGISTER
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: REGISTER
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: REGISTER
Really destroying SIP dialog 'ZDEyMzJjY2E1Nzk2NTY2YzUyY2M2MGVkZWExNzQ1NGU' Method: REGISTER
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: REGISTER
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found
  == Manager 'fpbphp' logged on from
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS
       > Channel SIP/511-090f9bf0 was answered.
  == Manager 'fpbphp' logged off from
    -- Executing [0034123456789@office:1] Goto("SIP/511-090f9bf0", "office-out|0034123456789|1") in new stack
    -- Goto (office-out,0034123456789,1)
    -- Executing [0034123456789@office-out:1] Set("SIP/511-090f9bf0", "CLID=") in new stack
    -- Executing [0034123456789@office-out:2] Set("SIP/511-090f9bf0", "CALLERID(number)=") in new stack
    -- Executing [0034123456789@office-out:3] NoOp("SIP/511-090f9bf0", "") in new stack
    -- Executing [0034123456789@office-out:4] GotoIf("SIP/511-090f9bf0", "0?dial") in new stack
    -- Executing [0034123456789@office-out:5] Set("SIP/511-090f9bf0", "CALLERID(number)=+34123456789") in new stack
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: REGISTER
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: REGISTER
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: REGISTER
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS
Really destroying SIP dialog '[email protected]' Method: OPTIONS


在安装了旧版 Java 后,我设法让编译脚本再次运行。我不明白这与其他服务器有何不同,因为此脚本是在 Web 服务器上创建的,而不是在 Asterisk 服务器上创建的,并且只是手机的配置文件。无论如何,它有效,这才是最重要的!
