ProFTPd 在 LIST 上超时

ProFTPd 在 LIST 上超时

最近,我将 centOS 5 服务器迁移到了 7。但是从那时起,通过 FileZilla 连接到 FTP 就不起作用,除非我将 FileZilla 放在 FTP 普通连接上。

获取文件夹列表时 TLS 不起作用 登录正常。但此后会超时。

2016-04-10 11:29:59 3348 1 Status: Resolving address of
2016-04-10 11:29:59 3348 1 Status: Connecting to x.x.x.x:21...
2016-04-10 11:29:59 3348 1 Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
2016-04-10 11:29:59 3348 1 Response: 220 ProFTPD 1.3.5b Server ready.
2016-04-10 11:29:59 3348 1 Command: AUTH TLS
2016-04-10 11:29:59 3348 1 Response: 234 AUTH TLS successful
2016-04-10 11:29:59 3348 1 Status: Initializing TLS...
2016-04-10 11:29:59 3348 1 Status: Verifying certificate...
2016-04-10 11:29:59 3348 1 Status: TLS connection established.
2016-04-10 11:29:59 3348 1 Command: USER xxxxx
2016-04-10 11:29:59 3348 1 Response: 331 Password required for xxxxx
2016-04-10 11:29:59 3348 1 Command: PASS ***********
2016-04-10 11:29:59 3348 1 Response: 230 User xxxxx logged in
2016-04-10 11:29:59 3348 1 Command: OPTS UTF8 ON
2016-04-10 11:29:59 3348 1 Response: 200 UTF8 set to on
2016-04-10 11:29:59 3348 1 Command: PBSZ 0
2016-04-10 11:29:59 3348 1 Response: 200 PBSZ 0 successful
2016-04-10 11:29:59 3348 1 Command: PROT P
2016-04-10 11:29:59 3348 1 Response: 200 Protection set to Private
2016-04-10 11:29:59 3348 1 Status: Logged in
2016-04-10 11:29:59 3348 1 Status: Retrieving directory listing...
2016-04-10 11:29:59 3348 1 Command: PWD
2016-04-10 11:29:59 3348 1 Response: 257 "/" is the current directory
2016-04-10 11:29:59 3348 1 Command: TYPE I
2016-04-10 11:29:59 3348 1 Response: 200 Type set to I
2016-04-10 11:29:59 3348 1 Command: PASV
2016-04-10 11:29:59 3348 1 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (x,x,x,x,137,183).
2016-04-10 11:29:59 3348 1 Command: LIST
2016-04-10 11:30:19 3348 1 Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity
2016-04-10 11:30:19 3348 1 Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing
2016-04-10 11:31:41 3348 1 Status: Disconnected from server

到目前为止我唯一能找到的就是将其添加到 proftpd.conf 中

  <IfModule mod_facts.c>
    FactsAdvertise off

这会将命令更改为 LIST 而不是 MLSD。但它仍然会无缘无故超时。有人知道吗?

编辑:没有 TLS,连接工作正常

2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Status: Resolving address of
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Status: Connecting to x.x.x.x:21...
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Response: 220 ProFTPD 1.3.5b Server ready.
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Command: USER xxxxx
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Response: 331 Password required for xxxxx
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Command: PASS ***********
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Response: 230 User xxxxxlogged in
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Command: SYST
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Response: 215 UNIX Type: L8
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Command: FEAT
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Response: 211-Features:
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Response:  LANG en-US*
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Response:  EPRT
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Response:  EPSV
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Response:  MDTM
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Response:  SSCN
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Response:  SIZE
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Response:  PROT
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Response:  CCC
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Response:  PBSZ
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Response:  AUTH TLS
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Response:  REST STREAM
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Response:  UTF8
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Response: 211 End
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Command: OPTS UTF8 ON
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Response: 200 UTF8 set to on
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Status: Logged in
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Status: Retrieving directory listing...
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Command: PWD
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Response: 257 "/" is the current directory
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Command: TYPE I
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Response: 200 Type set to I
2016-04-10 11:21:28 8704 1 Command: PASV
2016-04-10 11:21:29 8704 1 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (x,x,x,x,139,173).
2016-04-10 11:21:29 8704 1 Command: LIST
2016-04-10 11:21:29 8704 1 Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file list
2016-04-10 11:21:29 8704 1 Response: 226 Transfer complete
2016-04-10 11:21:29 8704 1 Status: Directory listing of "/" successful



ProFTPD - 使用 TLS 时无法检索目录列表

