Nagios3 说 localhost 无法 ping,但没有写入 ping 检查

Nagios3 说 localhost 无法 ping,但没有写入 ping 检查

Nagios3 和 Ubuntu 14 已禁用 ping 请求。

localhosts 不断在 GUI nagios 界面中报告其已关闭。

这是安装后在 conf.d 目录中找到的默认“localhost_nagios2.cfg”:

# A simple configuration file for monitoring the local host
# This can serve as an example for configuring other servers;
# Custom services specific to this host are added here, but services
# defined in nagios2-common_services.cfg may also apply.

define host{
        use                     generic-host            ; Name of host template to use
        host_name               localhost
        alias                   localhost

# Define a service to check the disk space of the root partition
# on the local machine.  Warning if < 20% free, critical if
# < 10% free space on partition.

define service{
        use                             generic-service         ; Name of service template to use
        host_name                       localhost
        service_description             Disk Space
        check_command                   check_all_disks!20%!10%

# Define a service to check the number of currently logged in
# users on the local machine.  Warning if > 20 users, critical
# if > 50 users.

define service{
        use                             generic-service         ; Name of service template to use
        host_name                       localhost
        service_description             Current Users
        check_command                   check_users!20!50

# Define a service to check the number of currently running procs
# on the local machine.  Warning if > 250 processes, critical if
# > 400 processes.

define service{
        use                             generic-service         ; Name of service template to use
        host_name                       localhost
        service_description             Total Processes
                check_command                   check_procs!250!400

# Define a service to check the load on the local machine.

define service{
    use                             generic-service         ; Name of service template to use
    host_name                       localhost
    service_description             Current Load
            check_command                   check_load!5.0!4.0!3.0!10.0!6.0!4.0

这几乎是开箱即用的配置。我修改了通用主机,以便不 ping 任何内容:

# Generic host definition template - This is NOT a real host, just a template!

define host{
        name                            generic-host    ; The name of this host template
        notifications_enabled           1       ; Host notifications are enabled
        event_handler_enabled           1       ; Host event handler is enabled
        flap_detection_enabled          1       ; Flap detection is enabled
        failure_prediction_enabled      1       ; Failure prediction is enabled
        process_perf_data               1       ; Process performance data
        retain_status_information       1       ; Retain status information across program restarts
        retain_nonstatus_information    1       ; Retain non-status information across program restarts
                max_check_attempts              10
                notification_interval           0
                notification_period             24x7
                notification_options            d,u,r
                contact_groups                  admins
        register                        0       ; DONT REGISTER THIS DEFINITION - ITS NOT A REAL HOST, JUST A TEMPLATE!

我监控的其他服务器都很好,nagios 没有对它们运行任何 ping 检查。但是,nagios 不会停止抱怨本地主机处于严重状态...在 PING 上: 在此处输入图片描述

我已经仔细检查了 Google 提供的内容一个多小时了,但仍无法弄清楚如何关闭此项。

我的问题:这实际上是否已关闭并处于锁定的“关闭”状态,或者是否有另一个我错过的设置来阻止本地主机运行 ping 检查?




注意到了吗,虽然你是在 19 日截取的屏幕截图,但上面却显示“上次检查”是在 17 日?

如果您不想使用check_ping,请选择另一个插件进行主机检查。或者让它 ping 本地主机;这样做没有坏处,尽管这似乎没有必要。

