- 您需要 Nvidia 专有驱动程序才能使用 CUDA/OpenCL。
该卡需要使用 X 配置,因为 Nvidia 驱动程序是 X 驱动程序,但它仍可配置为“无头”,并且您可以拥有多个显卡。
有关在无头服务器中运行 GPU 的一些详细信息来自: https://sites.google.com/site/akohlmey/random-hacks/nvidia-gpu-coolness
Faking a "Head" for a Headless X Server The biggest remaining challenge is now to make the X server launch properly without having a display attached. Nowadays, display settings are negotiated between the X server and the display via EDID, and this is how we can simulate a display. The X server allows to override EDID settings and to define which display to configure through settings in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file. All that is missing is a valid EDID file and this can be obtained from nvidia-settings through the "Acquire EDID" button, when examining the properties of a currently attached display (doesn't matter which one). In the xorg.conf file, something along the lines of the following has to be set.
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Option "UseDisplayDevice" "DFP-0"
Option "ConnectedMonitor" "DFP-0"
Option "CustomEDID" "DFP-0:/etc/X11/dfp-edid.bin"
Option "Coolbits" "5"
.... End Section
- 我在 ELRepo 中找到了预打包的驱动程序
也可以从 Nvidia 网站下载,但这意味着不能自动更新。
我无法说服务器将如何响应其中的附加 GPU,但您可能需要弄乱 BIOS。根据上面提到的关于将其配置为无头的站点,您可能需要在将其配置为主图形适配器的情况下启动服务器,或者至少临时插入一个显示器以使用 nvidia 实用程序进行设置(以生成dfp-edid.bin