Redis ram 跳跃和崩溃

Redis ram 跳跃和崩溃

我使用 redis 存储我的网站的统计数据,通常的流量大约是每秒 1000-2000 个 redis 调用,我最近将网站迁移到另一个托管服务,并且遇到了 redis 服务器问题,似乎在运行大约 6-12 小时后,它突然变得内存不足,直到崩溃,为了恢复它,我需要重新启动 redis 服务。我在 redis 日志或系统日志中没有看到任何异常

5274:M 17 Aug 14:55:26.006 * 10000 changes in 900 seconds. Saving...
5274:M 17 Aug 14:55:26.023 * Background saving started by pid 12754
12754:C 17 Aug 14:55:30.823 * DB saved on disk
12754:C 17 Aug 14:55:30.838 * RDB: 24 MB of memory used by copy-on-write
5274:M 17 Aug 14:55:30.925 * Background saving terminated with success
5274:M 17 Aug 15:07:40.615 # User requested shutdown... ->this is where I restart it
5274:M 17 Aug 15:07:40.615 * Saving the final RDB snapshot before exiting.
5274:M 17 Aug 15:07:44.877 * DB saved on disk
5274:M 17 Aug 15:07:44.877 * Removing the pid file.
5274:M 17 Aug 15:07:44.878 # Redis is now ready to exit, bye bye...

这是内存使用情况,崩溃前约为 9 GB,崩溃期间突然增加到 13 GB(剩余 20 GB 可用)


cpu系统时间(用户时间处于正常水平) 在此处输入图片描述
