Juniper Netscreen 电子邮件警报 SSG-550M

Juniper Netscreen 电子邮件警报 SSG-550M

我在 NSRP 组 active/active 中的 2 个 SSG-550M 上的 Netscreen 6.3r22 上配置电子邮件警报时遇到了一些问题。我知道通过需要身份验证的邮件服务器发送 SMTP 警报存在限制,但是邮件似乎根本不是从防火墙生成的


debug sendmail all
get db stream


## 2016-08-23 16:37:50 : Notify (1)
## 2016-08-23 16:37:50 : Prepare to send mail [sort=0]
## 2016-08-23 16:37:50 : Mail server name :
## 2016-08-23 16:37:50 : begin to send event alarm, start time=78611, current time=79211, max entries=102
## 2016-08-23 16:37:50 : total event alarm record 2 retrieved, start_time=78611
## 2016-08-23 16:37:50 : fail to send no 0 due to (log time[78878] < last_sent_event_time [79211] && allowed to email [0])
## 2016-08-23 16:37:50 : fail to send no 1 due to (log time[78857] < last_sent_event_time [79211] && allowed to email [0])
## 2016-08-23 16:37:50 : last event id = -1
## 2016-08-23 16:37:50 : Event alarm: Log entries sent out=0, Last Log entry id=-1, time=79211


Mail Alert: On, Mail Server:
E-Mail Address: [email protected]
E-Mail Traffic Log: Off
Configuration Format: DOS
Device Reset: Enabled
Hardware Reset: Enabled
Admin privilege: read-only (Remote admin has read-only privileges)
Max Failed Admin login attempts: 10
Lock admin accounts on auth failure: On, locking time 1 minutes
HTTP redirect: true

我没有看到任何东西进入邮件服务器,但是我似乎无法在 Juniper 论坛上找到这些故障类型的解释。从这个输出来看,对我来说,好像邮件没有发送,但我不明白为什么。


访问 WebUI,导航Configuration -> Report Settings -> Log Setting并确保检查该Email行的所有标志。
