TFS BuildHttpClient UpdateDefinition C# 示例

TFS BuildHttpClient UpdateDefinition C# 示例

我需要以编程方式更新 vNext Build Definition。需要以编程方式更新构建定义的原因是我们正在运行 Team Foundation Server 2015 的 RTM 版本,并且从该版本开始,vNext Build Definitions 的某些部分未向 Web GUI 公开,并且(目前)没有其他方法可以更改它们。(假设您希望将数据库保持在受支持状态,并拒绝直接修改数据库。)

我们的公司环境和所有机器最近都经历了域更改。TFS 服务器已顺利移至新域。但是,vNext Build 定义在 URL 字段中对旧服务器名称有内部引用,其中仍包含旧域名。

到目前为止,我有以下代码,它应该更新某个项目的每个构建定义的 URL。对 GetDefinitonsAsync 的调用清楚地向我返回了正确的构建 DefinitionReferences,但 UpdateDefinitionAsync 似乎没有任何效果。

   List<DefinitionReference> bds = new List<DefinitionReference>();
        Uri tfsURI = new Uri("http://<tfsserver>:8080/tfs/<collection>");
        WindowsCredential wc = new WindowsCredential(true);
        BuildHttpClient bhc = new BuildHttpClient(tfsURI, new VssCredentials(wc));

        var task = Task.Run(async () => { bds = await bhc.GetDefinitionsAsync(project: "projectname"); });

        foreach (var bd in bds)
            BuildDefinition b = (BuildDefinition)bd;
            b.Url = b.Url.Replace("<server>.<olddomain>", "<server>.<newdomain>");

            var task1 = Task.Run(async () => { await bhc.UpdateDefinitionAsync(b); });


此代码片段编译并运行无错误。但是,当我事后检查构建定义时,它尚未更新,仍与之前一样。调试器未看到任何异常,也没有相关的事件查看器或 DebugView 消息。

关于上面的代码片段,我不确定是否应该通过将 DefinitionReference(子类)转换为 BuildDefinition 来获取需要传递给 UpdateDefinition 的 BuildDefinition,但是在 BuildHttpClient 类中我没有看到任何接近的内容可以从 DefinitonReference 给我一个 BuildDefiniton。




public partial class Form1 : Form
    List<DefinitionReference> bds = new List<DefinitionReference>();
    List<BuildDefinitionRevision> bdrs = new List<BuildDefinitionRevision>();
    Dictionary<string, BuildDefinition> defs = new Dictionary<string, BuildDefinition>();

    public Form1()

        //Connect to TFS vNext API
        Uri tfsURI = new Uri("http://<servername>:8080/tfs/<collectionname>");
        WindowsCredential wc = new WindowsCredential(true);
        Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.WebApi.BuildHttpClient bhc = new Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.WebApi.BuildHttpClient(tfsURI, new VssCredentials(wc));

        //Populate builddefinitionreference list for the project
        var task = Task.Run(async () => { bds = await bhc.GetDefinitionsAsync(project: "<projectname>"); });

        foreach (var bd in bds)

            //Populate the definition revision reference list for this one build definition
            var task1 = Task.Run(async () => { bdrs = await bhc.GetDefinitionRevisionsAsync(project: bd.Project.Id, definitionId: bd.Id); });

            //Go through the revisions of this one builddefinition.   In this case I am only interested
            //In updating the latest revision so I'm saving a copy of the last one.
            string LastDefinitionUrl = "";
            foreach (var bdr in bdrs)
                Log(string.Format("Name: {0}, Revision: {1}, Comment: {2}, Url: {3}", bdr.Name, bdr.Revision, bdr.Comment, bdr.DefinitionUrl));
                LastDefinitionUrl = bdr.DefinitionUrl;

            //Get the JSON for the complete BuildDefinition class.   The list above only contains
            //DefinitonReference class.
            var client = new WebClient();
            client.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
            var json = client.DownloadString(LastDefinitionUrl);

            //Convert the JSON to an actual builddefinition
            BuildDefinition result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<BuildDefinition>(json);

            //modify result here, if desired...

            //Save the builddefinition classes in a dictionary for this project as I construct them
            defs.Add(bd.Name, result);

            //Save the changes.  (i.e. this creates a new revision)
            var task2 = Task.Run(async () => { await bhc.UpdateDefinitionAsync(result, definitionId: bd.Id, project: bd.Project.Id); });

