我的 MAPISend 代码似乎已经失效,所以现在我尝试用 BLAT 替换超过 1,500 条 MAPISend 行。有没有办法搜索我的脚本并找到 MAPISend 语法:
“$MAPISEND_DIR/mapisend”-u“$EMAILADDRESS”-p $EMAILPW -r“$PAGERADDRESS”-s“错误 - 未找到所有文件”-m“错误”
然后切换到我的新 BLAT 语法:
blat -to“$PAGERADDRESS”-s“错误 - 未找到所有文件”-body“错误”
我认为类似 ("$MAPISEND_DIR/mapisend" -u "$EMAILADDRESS" -p $EMAILPW) 的任何内容都需要替换为 (blat) 任何以 blat 开头且同一行上有 -r 的内容都需要替换to -to,然后任何以 blat 开头并且在同一行上有 -m 的内容都需要转到 -body 。
我能够在 vb.net 中创建一个 Windows 控制台应用程序来解决我的问题。希望这能为您节省一些时间。我的日志记录到数据库中,然后从数据库发送电子邮件。您还必须创建一个用于存放日志文件的文件夹。代码:
Module MAPISend
'Convert Mapisend Message to Blat mapisend syntax -u "$EMAILADDRESS" -p $EMAILPW -r "[email protected]" -s "subject"
'-m "body " -t \\\\$SERV\\$SHARE\\data\\log\\Data.txt
'blat syntax "\\\\$SERV\\$SHARE\\data\\log\\ProcessData.log"
'-t "[email protected]" -s "subject" -body "body" -attach "\\\\$SERV\\$SHARE\\data\\log\\Data.xlsx" -b [email protected]
Public Sub Main(ByVal sArgs() As String)
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim strAttachment As String = ""
Dim strBody As String = " "
Dim strBodyText As String = ""
Dim strEmailAddress As String = "[email protected]"
Dim strFileLocation As String = ""
Dim strPassword As String = ""
Dim strTo As String = "[email protected]"
Dim strSubject As String = "Test"
Dim strGUI As String = System.Guid.NewGuid.ToString()
Dim strHostName As String
Dim shell
Dim fso
Dim file
Dim text
strFileLocation = "c:\windows\"
strHostName = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()
'Determine which parameter is being passed in then grab the data after found
While i < sArgs.Length 'So with each argument
Select Case sArgs(i)
Case "-u" 'if -u is being passed in
strEmailAddress = Replace(sArgs(i + 1), """", "") ' get the parameter after -u
i = i + 1
Case "-p"
strPassword = Replace(sArgs(i + 1), """", "")
i = i + 1
Case "-r"
strTo = Replace(Replace(sArgs(i + 1), ";", ","), """", "")
i = i + 1
Case "-s"
strSubject = Replace(sArgs(i + 1), """", "")
i = i + 1
Case "-m"
strBody = Replace(sArgs(i + 1), """", "")
If strBody = "" Then
strBody = " "
End If
i = i + 1
Case "-t"
strBodyText = Replace(sArgs(i + 1), """", "")
i = i + 1
Case "-f"
strAttachment = "-attach """ & Replace(sArgs(i + 1), """", "") & """"
i = i + 1
End Select
i = i + 1
End While
shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
If strBodyText <> "" Then
'Call Shell script
shell.exec("""" & strFileLocation & "blat.exe"" """ & strBodyText & """ -t """ & strTo & """ -s """ & strSubject & """ -b ""[email protected]"" " & strAttachment & " -log ""C:\apps\mapisend\" & strGUI & ".txt"" -debug")
Console.WriteLine("""" & strFileLocation & "blat.exe"" """ & strBodyText & """ -t """ & strTo & """ -s """ & strSubject & """ -b ""[email protected]"" " & strAttachment & " -log ""C:\apps\mapisend\" & strGUI & ".txt"" -debug")
shell.exec("""" & strFileLocation & "blat.exe"" -t """ & strTo & """ -s """ & strSubject & """ -body """ & strBody & """ -b ""[email protected]"" " & strAttachment & " -log ""C:\apps\mapisend\" & strGUI & ".txt"" -debug")
Console.WriteLine("""" & strFileLocation & "blat.exe"" -t """ & strTo & """ -s """ & strSubject & """ -body """ & strBody & """ -b ""[email protected]"" " & strAttachment & " -log ""C:\apps\mapisend\" & strGUI & ".txt"" -debug")
End If
'Wait for debug file to be generated
For i = 0 To 30
If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists("C:\apps\mapisend\" & strGUI & ".txt") Then
fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
file = fso.OpenTextFile("C:\apps\mapisend\" & strGUI & ".txt", 1)
text = file.ReadAll
'check if file is complete if not continue for i statement
If Not LCase(text) Like "*end of session*" Then
Console.WriteLine("Waiting for \\" & strHostName & "\C$\apps\mapisend\" & strGUI & ".txt to generate end of session: " & i & " of 30")
Continue For
End If
'check if file is sent if not send error
If Not LCase(text) Like "*sending*" Or LCase(text) Like "*** warning ***" Then
LogError("\\" & strHostName & "\C$\apps\mapisend\" & strGUI & ".txt")
End If
Exit For
End If
Next I
'Check if file was generated/completed within the 30 seconds
If i = 30 Then
LogError("Disk Latency Error: The file took more then 30 seconds to generate. \\" & strHostName & "\C$\apps\mapisend\" & strGUI & ".txt")
End If
Exit Sub
Console.WriteLine("Error: " & Err.Description)
End Sub
Public Sub LogError(strMessage As String)
Dim Conn1 As New ADODB.Connection
Dim RS1 As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim Cmd1 As New ADODB.Command
Dim SQLConnect As String
On Error GoTo ERR1
SQLConnect = "Provider=sqloledb;User ID=xxxxx;Password=xxxxx;" & _
"Data Source=SQL01; Database=DW; " & _
"Persist Security Info=False;"
Conn1.ConnectionString = SQLConnect
Conn1.CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient
Conn1.Mode = ADODB.ConnectModeEnum.adModeReadWrite
Cmd1.ActiveConnection = Conn1
Cmd1.CommandText = "INSERT INTO [dbo].[dimLog]" & _
"([LogDateTime],[PackageName],[Recipients],[Message],[MessageDescription],[EmailFormat],[HasError],[EmailSent])" & _
"Values" & _
"(sysdatetime(),'mapisend','[email protected]','MAPISend - ERROR - (SYSTEMS) - MAPISend','File Location: c:\mapisend\' " & _
" + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + 'Log Info:' + CHAR(13)+CHAR(10) + '" + strMessage + " ','HTML',1,0)"
Conn1 = Nothing
Exit Sub
Console.WriteLine("Error: " & Err.Description)
End Sub
End Module