无法通过 Let's Encrypt/Certbot 进行 TLS-SNI-01 挑战 - 如何修复?

无法通过 Let's Encrypt/Certbot 进行 TLS-SNI-01 挑战 - 如何修复?

certbot-auto我正在运行 Ubuntu 14.04LTS。由于 certbot 不在 14.04 中,因此我从 EFF 网站获取了。


certbot-auto --apache -d my.domain

并且在 TLS-SNI-01 质询期间始终超时并显示以下消息:

Failed authorization procedure. my.domain (tls-sni-01): urn:acme:error:connection :: The server could not connect to the client to verify the domain :: Failed to connect to ww.xx.yy.zz:443 for TLS-SNI-01 challenge

s_server我已经通过运行 openssl 的命令并成功s_server从外部位置连接到“服务器”来验证入站 TLS 没有被阻止。


[Tue Dec 06 00:34:02.306032 2016] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 19521] AH00171: Graceful restart requested, doing restart
[Tue Dec 06 00:34:03.001014 2016] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 19521] AH00163: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) configured -- resuming normal operations
[Tue Dec 06 00:34:03.001094 2016] [core:notice] [pid 19521] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2'
[Tue Dec 06 00:34:14.596461 2016] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 19521] AH00171: Graceful restart requested, doing restart
AH00112: Warning: DocumentRoot [/var/lib/letsencrypt/tls_sni_01_page/] does not exist
[Tue Dec 06 00:34:14.661372 2016] [ssl:warn] [pid 19521] AH01906: RSA server certificate is a CA certificate (BasicConstraints: CA == TRUE !?)
[Tue Dec 06 00:34:15.000674 2016] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 19521] AH00163: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) OpenSSL/1.0.1f configured -- resuming normal operations
[Tue Dec 06 00:34:15.001293 2016] [core:notice] [pid 19521] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2'


2016-12-06 05:34:13,247:INFO:certbot.auth_handler:Performing the following challenges:
2016-12-06 05:34:13,268:INFO:certbot.auth_handler:tls-sni-01 challenge for mydomain.com
2016-12-06 05:34:13,359:INFO:certbot_apache.configurator:Enabled Apache socache_shmcb module
2016-12-06 05:34:13,520:INFO:certbot_apache.configurator:Enabled Apache ssl module
2016-12-06 05:34:14,345:DEBUG:certbot_apache.tls_sni_01:Adding Include /etc/apache2/le_tls_sni_01_cert_challenge.conf to /files/etc/apache2/apache2.conf
2016-12-06 05:34:14,351:DEBUG:certbot_apache.tls_sni_01:writing a config file with text:
 <IfModule mod_ssl.c>
<VirtualHost *>
    ServerName b103a17811594b35d3ade8eb763c8c42.74b423d383109b22eaecca3ea14cd1f7.acme.invalid
    UseCanonicalName on
    SSLStrictSNIVHostCheck on

    LimitRequestBody 1048576

    Include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-apache.conf
    SSLCertificateFile /var/lib/letsencrypt/mRH5i2aIrWMqjsZn3jMXvdNnYV5Ejd0GBtcDoIJqQ4U.crt
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /var/lib/letsencrypt/mRH5i2aIrWMqjsZn3jMXvdNnYV5Ejd0GBtcDoIJqQ4U.pem

    DocumentRoot /var/lib/letsencrypt/tls_sni_01_page/



/var/lib/letsencrypt$ ls
/var/lib/letsencrypt$ ls
/var/lib/letsencrypt$ ls
/var/lib/letsencrypt$ ls
backups  temp_checkpoint
/var/lib/letsencrypt$ ls
backups  temp_checkpoint
/var/lib/letsencrypt$ ls
backups  e1pvy9TgUvOmBxC4dlkwG5Ly2mTY0DU63qhUFpBik2Y.crt  e1pvy9TgUvOmBxC4dlkwG5Ly2mTY0DU63qhUFpBik2Y.pem  temp_checkpoint


我试过跑步tcpdump -n port 443查看来自远程机器的某种连接尝试:

09:14:44.388328 IP > w.x.y.z.443: Flags [S], seq 1627589669, win 29200, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 2834688174 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
09:14:44.388435 IP w.x.y.z.443 > Flags [S.], seq 773250860, ack 1627589670, win 28960, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 424229197 ecr 2834688174,nop,wscale 7], length 0
09:14:44.451190 IP > w.x.y.z.443: Flags [.], ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 2834688237 ecr 424229197], length 0
09:14:44.451546 IP > w.x.y.z.443: Flags [P.], seq 1:220, ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 2834688237 ecr 424229197], length 219
09:14:44.451619 IP w.x.y.z.443 > Flags [.], ack 220, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val 424229216 ecr 2834688237], length 0
09:14:44.454461 IP w.x.y.z.443 > Flags [P.], seq 1:393, ack 220, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val 424229217 ecr 2834688237], length 392
09:14:44.454626 IP w.x.y.z.443 > Flags [F.], seq 393, ack 220, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val 424229217 ecr 2834688237], length 0
09:14:44.517433 IP > w.x.y.z.443: Flags [.], ack 393, win 237, options [nop,nop,TS val 2834688303 ecr 424229217], length 0
09:14:44.517481 IP > w.x.y.z.443: Flags [P.], seq 220:227, ack 394, win 237, options [nop,nop,TS val 2834688303 ecr 424229217], length 7
09:14:44.517514 IP > w.x.y.z.443: Flags [F.], seq 227, ack 394, win 237, options [nop,nop,TS val 2834688303 ecr 424229217], length 0
09:14:44.517544 IP w.x.y.z.443 > Flags [.], ack 228, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val 424229235 ecr 2834688303], length 0

知道到底发生了什么吗?有人在 Ubuntu 14.04LTS 和 apache 上用过这个吗?


我为此奋斗了几个小时,但日志中输出的结果与此相同。我偶然发现了答案。我从另一个 webconfig 中粘贴了一些代码,其中已经有了一个<virtual host _._._._:443>部分。我修改了它,但保留了它。删除该 443 部分后,运行sudo certbot-auto --apache -d example.com没有错误,我的网站可以正常工作。

我仅根据我的经验得出结论:确保您只有端口 80 的虚拟主机。我读过的文档中没有任何地方提到这个问题,但似乎 certbot 无法更改 443 虚拟主机部分,它只能添加一个。

编辑——2017 年 12 月我现在可以在 sites-available.conf 中运行 certbot <virtual host *:443>。我所有的自定义修改都保留了下来,我唯一的抱怨是证书路径行没有缩进。<sigh>哦,好吧!</sigh>


您可以尝试独立质询验证。这可以绕过 Apache,并可能解决您certbot无法在 WWW 根目录中创建正确文件的问题。

  1. 停止 Apache
  2. 跑步certbot-auto --standalone-supported-challenges tls-sni-01 -d my.domain
  3. 在正确的位置安装您获得的证书(可能/etc/apache2/ssl
  4. 启动 apache 并测试
