


我正在进行 P2V 迁移,在使 tomcat 和 sendmail 正常运行方面遇到了障碍。我无法让应用程序发送邮件。


  • 操作系统正在从 CentOS 5.6 升级到 CentOS 7.2
  • Sendmail 从 8.13.8 升级至 8.14.7
  • Tomcat 以前以 root 身份运行,现在以 tomcat 身份运行


应用程序无需指定用户或密码即可连接。sendmail 配置中除了 sendmail.mc 中的以下内容外,没有其他任何内容可以设置身份验证:

define(`confAUTH_OPTIONS', `A')dnl


我从 catalina.out 得到的关键错误是:

Caused by: javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: No authentication mechansims supported by both server and client
    at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.protocolConnect(SMTPTransport.java:590)
    at javax.mail.Service.connect(Service.java:291)
    at javax.mail.Service.connect(Service.java:172)
    at com.tw.manage.business.services.MailService.sendMessage(MailService.java:97)

pastebin 上存在完整错误。

此处反编译了 com.tw.manage.business.services.MailService.sendMessage 代码。

相关的 app.properties 在此处:

# Mail properties
# ---------------

# email server host

# email server port

# protocol either smtp or smtps

# user account

# user password

# either text/plain or text/html

# email message from email address
[email protected]

这是 /var/log/maillog 中的错误:

Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: v0IJ2exL046298: assigned id
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: NOQUEUE: connect from localhost.localdomain []
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: AUTH: available mech=GSS-SPNEGO GSSAPI ANONYMOUS, allowed mech=EXTERNAL GSSAPI KERBEROS_V4 DIGEST-MD5 CRAM-MD5
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: v0IJ2exL046298: Milter: no active filter
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: v0IJ2exL046298: --- 220 app-server.company.inc ESMTP Sendmail 8.14.7/8.14.7; Wed, 18 Jan 2017 14:02:40 -0500
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: v0IJ2exL046298: <-- EHLO app-server
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: v0IJ2exL046298: --- 250-app-server.company.inc Hello localhost.localdomain [], pleased to meet you
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: v0IJ2exL046298: --- 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: v0IJ2exL046298: --- 250-PIPELINING
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: v0IJ2exL046298: --- 250-8BITMIME
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: v0IJ2exL046298: --- 250-SIZE
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: v0IJ2exL046298: --- 250-DSN
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: v0IJ2exL046298: --- 250-ETRN
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: v0IJ2exL046298: --- 250-AUTH GSSAPI
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: v0IJ2exL046298: --- 250-DELIVERBY
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: v0IJ2exL046298: --- 250 HELP
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: v0IJ2exL046298: disconnect level 1
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: v0IJ2exL046298: in background, pid=46298
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: v0IJ2exL046298: --- 421 4.4.1 app-server.company.inc Lost input channel from localhost.localdomain []
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: v0IJ2exL046298: lost input channel from localhost.localdomain [] to MTA after ehlo
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: v0IJ2exL046298: disconnect level 1
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: v0IJ2exL046298: in background, pid=46298
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: v0IJ2exL046298: localhost.localdomain [] did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during connection to MTA
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: v0IJ2exL046298: dropenvelope, e_flags=0x4001, OpMode=d, pid=46298
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: v0IJ2exL046298: unlink ./dfv0IJ2exL046298
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: v0IJ2exL046298: ./dfv0IJ2exL046298: unlink-fail 2
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: v0IJ2exL046298: unlink ./qfv0IJ2exL046298
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: v0IJ2exL046298: ./qfv0IJ2exL046298: unlink-fail 2
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: v0IJ2exL046298: unlock
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: v0IJ2exL046298: unlink ./xfv0IJ2exL046298
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: v0IJ2exL046298: ./xfv0IJ2exL046298: unlink-fail 2
Jan 18 14:02:40 app-server sendmail[46298]: NOQUEUE: finis, pid=46298


/etc/mail 中的所有配置都完全相同。我已验证无需进行任何环境更改,例如主机名 - 配置仅调用 localhost 或 localhost.localdomain。

我已将以下内容放入我的 hosts 文件中:       localhost.localdomain   localhost old-app-hostname.vendor.net app-server app-server.company.inc

我已经测试过以 root 和其他本地帐户的身份发送邮件telnet localhost 25,并且能够使用所需的电子邮件地址从服务器在我的 Gmail 中接收邮件。

我也尝试以 root 身份运行 tomcat。


我发现默认选项一定发生了变化。在 sendmail 8.13 中,LOGIN 是默认提供的。在 8.14 中,GSSAPI 似乎现在已默认提供。在重新启动 sendmail 后,/etc/mail/sendmail.mc 中的以下行允许从 tomcat 进行空白登录:

define(`confAUTH_MECHANISMS', `LOGIN')dnl 
