我想为 BASH 脚本创建一个函数来更改其参数之一(即变量)的值。我所做的功能是:
chck_rgx () { # Checks that the given name for a user/group fulfills the regex. The function's parameters are
# * $1: kind of name to check: username, hostname, etc.
# * $2: variable whose value to check if meets the requirements.
local rgx_hostname='^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$' ;
local rgx_inputbox_hostname="The hostname you just submitted isn't a valid name. Try with another name."
local rgx_username='^[a-z][a-z0-9_-]+$' ;
local rgx_inputbox_username="The username you just submitted isn't a valid name. Try with another name." ;
eval rgx_name="\$rgx_$1" ;
eval rgx_inputbox="\$rgx_inputbox_$1" ;
eval name_ch="\$$2" ;
while [[ ! $name_ch =~ $rgx_name ]] ; do
dialog --backtitle "$backtitle_var" \
--title "Wrong $1 submitted" --clear \
--inputbox "$rgx_inputbox" 0 0 2> name-ch ;
name_ch=$(cat name-ch) ;
rm name-ch ;
chckd_var="$name_ch" ;
dialog --backtitle "$backtitle_var" \
--title "Submit the username" --clear \
--inputbox "Which username do you want?" 0 0 2> user-name ;
user_name=$(cat user-name) ;
chck_rgx username user_name ;
user_name=$chckd_var ;
我遇到的问题是我的函数的“输出”,即我现在拥有的值,并不在我最初使用的同一个变量中。我必须将函数($chckd_var)的“输出”值分配给我作为函数参数插入的变量(user_name)。我想要做的是该函数更改全局变量 user_name (或任何其他变量)的值。
我对 BASH 脚本相当陌生,所以答案也许很简单。不管怎样,我一直在网上寻找这个问题,但没有找到答案。
好吧,我认为我通过在 Stack Exchange 中为我的问题撰写标题时提出的建议找到了第一个问题的答案。我认为只需改变一下就可以知道:
chck_rgx () { # Checks that the given name for a user/group fulfills the regex. The function's parameters are
# * $1: kind of name to check: username, hostname, etc.
# * $2: variable whose value to check if meets the requirements.
local rgx_hostname='^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$' ;
local rgx_inputbox_hostname="The hostname you just submitted isn't a valid name. Try with another name."
local rgx_username='^[a-z][a-z0-9_-]+$' ;
local rgx_inputbox_username="The username you just submitted isn't a valid name. Try with another name." ;
eval rgx_name="\$rgx_$1" ;
eval rgx_inputbox="\$rgx_inputbox_$1" ;
eval name_ch="\$$2" ;
while [[ ! $name_ch =~ $rgx_name ]] ; do
dialog --backtitle "$backtitle_var" \
--title "Wrong $1 submitted" --clear \
--inputbox "$rgx_inputbox" 0 0 2> name-ch ;
name_ch=$(cat name-ch) ;
rm name-ch ;
declare -g -- "$2=$name_ch" ;
declare -g -- "$2=$name_ch"
text=$(dialog --backtitle 'foo' --title 'bar' --clear --inputbox 'baz' 0 0 2>&1 >/dev/tty)
case $? in
0) echo "Approved with: $text" ;;
1) echo "Canceled by the cancel button" ;;
255|*) echo "Canceled by the escape key" ;;