如何在 Exchange 2010 中限制具有完全邮箱权限的用户的访问?

如何在 Exchange 2010 中限制具有完全邮箱权限的用户的访问?

我遇到一个问题,用户 [1..10] 对用户 A 的邮箱拥有完全邮箱访问权限。

用户 A 现在想要限制访问权限,以便所有用户 [1..10] 都可以访问除“已发送邮件”和“已删除邮件”之外的内容。在此情况下,用户 2 和用户 3 应继续拥有先前请求的访问权限。



我通过 powershell 执行此操作,因为这需要在多个邮箱中重复多次。




完全访问权限胜过一切,因为 Exchange 具有最高权限,因此完整邮箱的权限高于文件夹级别的权限。


您应该能够使用 PowerShell 授予邮箱中所有文件夹的权限,然后删除所需文件夹的权限。但是,这也意味着新的顶级文件夹需要更改其权限(新的子文件夹继承)。




# The mailbox to apply the permissions changes on
$mailbox = "[email protected]"

# The users to add to the mailbox folder list
$users = "[email protected]"

# Get a list of folders in the mailbox defined above. We want only the folder path
$folderlist = Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -Identity $mailbox | select FolderPath

# Create a List item consisting of string objects
[Collections.Generic.List[String]]$sList = New-Object -TypeName Collections.Generic.List[String]

# Loop through the entire list of folders and do something
foreach ($folder in $folderlist)
# Get the folderpath object from the folderlist and output it as a string value
$sfoldername = $folder.FolderPath | Out-String

# Look for the tree node called "Top of Information Store" and replace it with a /
$sfname = $sfoldername -replace "/Top of Information Store","/"

# replace all back slashes with forward slashes
$sfname = $sfname  -replace "/","\"

# remove any hidden characters that might be lurking around in the string
$sfname = $sfname.Trim()

    #Perform a bunch of IF statements in a simple way.
        # System Folder in Mailbox. Do nothing if these are encountered
        "\Recoverable Items" {break;}
        "\Deletions" {break;}
        "\Purges" {break}
        "\Quick Step Settings"{break}
        "\Conversation Action Settings"{break;}
        "\News Feed"{break;}

        # Add the folder name into the list of strings defined earlier

# For each item in the list of strings apply permissions

foreach ($item in $sList)
    # concatenate the foldername to contain the mailbox name and the folder path in a format the Set and Add permission command can understand.

    $foldername = $mailbox + ":" + $item | Out-String
    # remove any hidden characters that might be lurking around in the string
    $fname = $foldername.Trim()

    # Add the permissions on the folder assuming permissions haven't already been set
    Add-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity $fname -AccessRights Owner -User $users

    # If the user permissions already exists then set / update the permissions
    Set-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity $fname -AccessRights Owner -User $users

确保你对此非常小心。需要注意的一点是,如果你想使用组来控制访问,请确保将该组设置为 Active Directory 中的安全组,然后将其用作分发组。否则,使用组进行访问控制将不起作用。
