关闭 systemd 单元文件中的缓冲吗?

关闭 systemd 单元文件中的缓冲吗?

当我编写单元文件时,我希望将Exec*-options( ExecStartPre=, ExecStartPost=, ExecStart=, and ExecStopPost=) 的所有输出都发送到日志。但显然输出以某种方式缓冲,因此无法确定将写入日志的内容。


ExecStartPre=/bin/echo 'Hello'
ExecStart=/storage/_test/venv/bin/python /storage/_test/ulftestservice.py

因此,我希望有一个登录用户列表(其中有 4 个)和一个你好除了正常的“开始”、“已开始”、“停止”和“已停止”行之外,还显示在日志中。


我编写了一个小型测试循环,每 2 秒重启一次服务:

$ for x in `seq 100`; do echo $x; sudo systemctl restart ulftest.service ; sleep 2; done


2017-05-10T09:40:36+0000 ulf44 systemd[1]: Started UlfTest, Administrative interface.
2017-05-10T09:40:38+0000 ulf44 systemd[1]: Stopping UlfTest, Administrative interface...
2017-05-10T09:40:38+0000 ulf44 systemd[1]: Stopped UlfTest, Administrative interface.
2017-05-10T09:40:38+0000 ulf44 systemd[1]: Starting UlfTest, Administrative interface...
2017-05-10T09:40:38+0000 ulf44 who[27344]: ulf      pts/0        2017-05-04 09:07 (
2017-05-10T09:40:38+0000 ulf44 who[27344]: ulf      pts/1        2017-05-04 12:36 (
2017-05-10T09:40:38+0000 ulf44 who[27344]: ulf      pts/2        2017-05-05 06:48 (
2017-05-10T09:40:38+0000 ulf44 systemd[1]: Started UlfTest, Administrative interface.
2017-05-10T09:40:40+0000 ulf44 systemd[1]: Stopping UlfTest, Administrative interface...
2017-05-10T09:40:40+0000 ulf44 systemd[1]: Stopped UlfTest, Administrative interface.
2017-05-10T09:40:40+0000 ulf44 systemd[1]: Starting UlfTest, Administrative interface...
2017-05-10T09:40:40+0000 ulf44 systemd[1]: Started UlfTest, Administrative interface.
2017-05-10T09:42:00+0000 ulf44 systemd[1]: Stopping UlfTest, Administrative interface...
2017-05-10T09:42:00+0000 ulf44 systemd[1]: Stopped UlfTest, Administrative interface.
2017-05-10T09:42:00+0000 ulf44 systemd[1]: Starting UlfTest, Administrative interface...
2017-05-10T09:42:00+0000 ulf44 who[28161]: ulf      pts/0        2017-05-04 09:07 (
2017-05-10T09:42:00+0000 ulf44 who[28161]: ulf      pts/1        2017-05-04 12:36 (
2017-05-10T09:42:00+0000 ulf44 who[28161]: ulf      pts/2        2017-05-05 06:48 (
2017-05-10T09:42:00+0000 ulf44 who[28161]: ulf      pts/3        2017-05-05 11:44 (
2017-05-10T09:42:00+0000 ulf44 systemd[1]: Started UlfTest, Administrative interface.
2017-05-10T09:42:02+0000 ulf44 systemd[1]: Stopping UlfTest, Administrative interface...
2017-05-10T09:42:02+0000 ulf44 systemd[1]: Stopped UlfTest, Administrative interface.
2017-05-10T09:42:02+0000 ulf44 systemd[1]: Starting UlfTest, Administrative interface...
2017-05-10T09:42:02+0000 ulf44 systemd[1]: Started UlfTest, Administrative interface.

请注意,对于 100 次重启,大多数情况下我都没有得到输出你好但是我得到了 2 轮输出who,但只有其中一轮完成。

我使用的是全新的 Ubuntu 16.04。我也在堆栈溢出



man systemd.exec


 journal connects standard output with the journal which is accessible via journalctl(1). Note that everything that is written to syslog or kmsg (see below) is
           implicitly stored in the journal as well, the specific two options listed below are hence supersets of this one.


你可能会遇到长期存在的 systemd 错误。有关更多信息,请参阅已接受的答案: systemd 无法持续​​捕获和记录 stdout




... [Service] ExecStart=/usr/bin/unbuffer /path/to/your/scripts.py ...

另一个可以让您获得更多控制权的选项是使用stdbuf哪些调用,setvbuf()但这仅在您使用它运行的进程不调用 setvbuf() 本身来取消更改时才有效。
