恢复 yum 更新

恢复 yum 更新

我需要更新 CentOS 6.9 上的 NVidia 驱动程序,并决定再更新一点。所以我更新了sudo yum update并重新启动。不幸的是,这导致 NVidia 的问题比以前更严重。我现在只能远程登录,并发现:

FATAL: Module nvidia not found.
NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running.

哦,真希望我没有更新!可以恢复到最新版本吗yum update


是的,这是可能的。使用yum history,然后yum history undo <id of your update>查看更多信息本文
