HAProxy 调整恢复服务器的权重/连接数

HAProxy 调整恢复服务器的权重/连接数

我想限制连接数,或者在 DOWN->UP 转换之后的一定时间内限制服务器的权重。


实际上,我试图复制“慢启动”功能在 Citrix Netscaler 中。





slowstart <start_time_in_ms>
  The "slowstart" parameter for a server accepts a value in milliseconds which
  indicates after how long a server which has just come back up will run at
  full speed. Just as with every other time-based parameter, it can be entered
  in any other explicit unit among { us, ms, s, m, h, d }. The speed grows
  linearly from 0 to 100% during this time. The limitation applies to two
  parameters :

  - maxconn: the number of connections accepted by the server will grow from 1
    to 100% of the usual dynamic limit defined by (minconn,maxconn,fullconn).

  - weight: when the backend uses a dynamic weighted algorithm, the weight
    grows linearly from 1 to 100%. In this case, the weight is updated at every
    health-check. For this reason, it is important that the "inter" parameter
    is smaller than the "slowstart", in order to maximize the number of steps.

  The slowstart never applies when haproxy starts, otherwise it would cause
  trouble to running servers. It only applies when a server has been previously
  seen as failed.

  Supported in default-server: Yes
