在 Hetzner 专用服务器上的 ZFS 根目录上获取 Ubuntu 16.04

在 Hetzner 专用服务器上的 ZFS 根目录上获取 Ubuntu 16.04

现在,Ubuntu 16.04 完全可以在 ZFS 根文件系统上运行。Ubuntu 16.04 默认的软件包管理器中有 ZFS,并且有如下指南,入门并不难。

但是,我见过的所有指南都要求能够从 Ubuntu 安装映像启动。对于 Hetzner 专用服务器来说,这是一个不常见的安装程序,因为它需要工程师访问服务器并插入远程 KVM。


如何让 Hetzner 专用服务器在 ZFS 根上运行?


基本思路是将 Ubuntu 安装在硬盘上的一个小分区上,对硬盘进行分区以使用剩余空间用于 ZFS,然后将安装复制过去。我主要使用本指南关于如何做到这一点的说明。

懒惰,并且有使用 Ansible 的经验?我编写了一些脚本来自动执行这些步骤。它们可以在以下位置找到:https://github.com/tijszwinkels/hetzner-ubuntu-16.04-zfs-root-ansible/blob/master/hetzner-ubuntu-16.04.yml 请注意,这些脚本假定主机已启动到 Hetzner 救援系统,并且它们将首先擦除您的驱动器。使用时风险自负!

# SSH into the host.

# Wipe the drives. Assuming SSDs on 'sda' and 'sdb'.
/sbin/blkdiscard /dev/sda
/sbin/blkdiscard /dev/sdb

# Install Ubuntu 16.04 on a 4G partition using the Hetzner 'installimage' script
/root/.oldroot/nfs/install/installimage -a -n my-hostname -r yes -l 1 -p /:ext4:4G -K /root/.ssh/robot_user_keys -i /root/.oldroot/nfs/install/../images/Ubuntu-1604-xenial-64-minimal.tar.gz

# Reboot the system.
/sbin/shutdown -r now

# Wait for the host to come back up, and SSH in.

# Install the 'parted' parition editor
apt-get update && apt-get install -y parted

# Run parted on the first drive, create a partition in all remaining space. (UNTESTED!)
sudo parted /dev/sda
(parted) mkpart primary 4097MB -1s
(parted) quit

# Run parted on the second drive, create a partition in all remaining space. (UNTESTED!)
sudo parted /dev/sdb
(parted) mkpart primary 4097MB -1s
(parted) quit

# Install required ZFS packages
apt-get install -y zfs-dkms zfs-initramfs

# Create a ZFS pool named 'tank'
# Please note that I'm using the /dev/disk/by-id interface. This is more resilient than /dev/sda and /dev/sdb
zpool create -f -o ashift=13 -O atime=off -O dedup=off -O compression=lz4  tank mirror `ls /dev/disk/by-id/ata-*-part2` 

# Create OS partiton
zfs create tank/os

# Rsync the current system to the new partition.
rsync -a --one-file-system / /tank/os/

# Chroot into the system
cd /tank/os
mount --bind /dev dev
mount --bind /proc proc
mount --bind /sys sys
mount --bind /run run
chroot .

# Install GRUB into the drives
grub-install /dev/sda
grub-install /dev/sdb

现在,您应该拥有一台 Hetzner 专用服务器,它可以使用 ZFS 根文件系统顺利启动到 Ubuntu 16.04。祝您好运!



如果您使用较新的 NVMe 服务器按照本指南,您可能希望使用以下步骤和设备名称:

# Boot into rescue from Robot
# SSH into the host.

# Wipe the drives. Assuming SSDs on 'sda' and 'sdb'.
# For SSD Servers
#/sbin/blkdiscard /dev/sda
#/sbin/blkdiscard /dev/sdb
# For NVMe Servers
/sbin/blkdiscard /dev/nvme0n1
/sbin/blkdiscard /dev/nvme1n1

# Install Ubuntu 16.04 on a 16G partition using the Hetzner 'installimage' script
# For Ubuntu 18.04 it should be this, but FAILS TO BOOT
#/root/.oldroot/nfs/install/installimage -a -n my-hostname -r yes -l 1 -p /:ext4:16G -K /root/.ssh/robot_user_keys -i /root/.oldroot/nfs/install/../images/Ubuntu-1804-bionic-64-minimal.tar.gz
# For Ubuntu 16.04:
/root/.oldroot/nfs/install/installimage -a -n my-hostname -r yes -l 1 -p /:ext4:16G -K /root/.ssh/robot_user_keys -i /root/.oldroot/nfs/install/../images/Ubuntu-1604-xenial-64-minimal.tar.gz
# Press x to continue immediately or wait a few seconds...

# Reboot the system.
#/sbin/shutdown -r now


# Wait for the host to come back up, and SSH in.
# Update the server
apt update
apt upgrade

# Create a partition on first disk with all the remaining space.
fdisk /dev/nvme0n1
# Press n then accept all defaults and save with w 

# Create a partition on the second disk with all remaining space.
fdisk /dev/nvme1n1
Press n then accept all defaults and save with w 


# Install required ZFS packages
apt install zfsutils-linux

# Create a ZFS pool named 'tank'
# Please note that I'm using the /dev/disk/by-id interface. This is more resilient than /dev/sda and /dev/sdb
# For SSD servers @hetznet: zpool create -f -o ashift=13 -O atime=off -O dedup=off -O compression=lz4  tank mirror `ls /dev/disk/by-id/ata-*-part2` 
# For NVMe servers:
zpool create -f -o ashift=13 -O atime=off -O dedup=off -O compression=lz4  tank mirror nvme0n1p2 nvme1n1p2

# Create OS partition
zfs create tank/os

# Rsync the current system to the new partition.
rsync -a --one-file-system / /tank/os/

# Chroot into the system
cd /tank/os
mount --bind /dev dev
mount --bind /proc proc
mount --bind /sys sys
mount --bind /run run
chroot .

# Install GRUB into the drives
# For SSD Servers:
#grub-install /dev/sda
#grub-install /dev/sdb
# For NVMe servers:
grub-install /dev/nvme0n1p2
grub-install /dev/nvme1n1p2


现在,您应该拥有一台 Hetzner 专用服务器,它可以使用 ZFS 根文件系统顺利启动到 Ubuntu 16.04。祝您好运!

在 Ubuntu 16.04 上无缝运行,在 Ubuntu 18.04 上无法启动。有人知道原因以及如何解决吗?

注意:我启动初始操作系统时使用的是 16GB 分区,而不是原始教程中指定的 4GB 硬盘空间。较新的服务器至少配备 2 个 512GB NVMe,因此您可以将这 2 个 16 分区转换为 2 个 16GB SWAP 分区,Linux 内核将自行进行条带化(比使用单个 Raid 分区更快)。
