我有一个环境,其中 logstash(v6.2.3)正在使用 kafka 输入连接 kafka_2.11 集群(v.1.1.0)。
[ywatanabe@centos74 kafka]$ bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --group logstash --describe
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: If the number of processors is expected to increase from one, then you should configure the number of parallel GC threads appropriately using -XX:ParallelGCThreads=N
Note: This will not show information about old Zookeeper-based consumers.
Error: Executing consumer group command failed due to null
$>info -b kafka.log:name=LogStartOffset,partition=2,topic=my-first-topic-1,type=Log
#mbean = kafka.log:name=LogStartOffset,partition=2,topic=my-first-topic-1,type=Log
#class name = com.yammer.metrics.reporting.JmxReporter$Gauge
# attributes
%0 - Value (java.lang.Object, r)
# operations
%0 - javax.management.ObjectName objectName()
#there's no notifications