certbot renew --dry-run 会导致误报吗?

certbot renew --dry-run 会导致误报吗?

如果我运行certbot renew --dry-run并且不对 Nginx 配置进行进一步更改,是否可以保证certbot renew90 天后成功?换句话说,结果可能是误报吗?

如果是这样,我是否应该去做certbot renew --force-renewal一次彻底的检查?




--dry-run             Perform a test run of the client, obtaining test
                   (invalid) certificates but not saving them to disk.
                    This can currently only be used with the 'certonly'
                    and 'renew' subcommands. Note: Although --dry-run
                    tries to avoid making any persistent changes on a
                    system, it is not completely side-effect free: if used
                    with webserver authenticator plugins like apache and
                    nginx, it makes and then reverts temporary config
                    changes in order to obtain test certificates, and
                    reloads webservers to deploy and then roll back those
                    changes. It also calls --pre-hook and --post-hook
                    commands if they are defined because they may be
                    necessary to accurately simulate renewal. --deploy-
                    hook commands are not called. (default: False)


对于更新,您可以安全地renew通过 cron 定期使用该选项:

                The 'renew' subcommand will attempt to renew all certificates (or more
                precisely, certificate lineages) you have previously obtained if they are
                close to expiry, and print a summary of the results. By default, 'renew'
                will reuse the options used to create obtain or most recently successfully
                renew each certificate lineage. You can try it with `--dry-run` first. For
                more fine-grained control, you can renew individual lineages with the
               `certonly` subcommand. Hooks are available to run commands before and
                after renewal; see https://certbot.eff.org/docs/using.html#renewal for
                more information on these.



如果您手动更新所有证书,--force-renewal 标志可能会有所帮助;它会在考虑更新时忽略证书的到期时间,并尝试更新每个已安装的证书,而不管其年龄多大。(此形式不适合每天运行,因为每个证书每天都会更新,这很快就会达到证书颁发机构的速率限制。)

