如何按描述搜索 Debian 软件包?

如何按描述搜索 Debian 软件包?

我想查找与transmissionBitTorrent 客户端相关的软件包,但找不到如何搜索软件包描述。



在我的系统上aptitude search仅查找包名称。另一方面是eix -S在 Gentoo 下。

那么在 Debian 下如何通过描述搜索软件包呢? (我想我可以浏览所有可用的包和grep结果。我期望有一个更合适的方法,当然这就是我的问题。)


正如建议的马可马修·洛克aptitude search '~d<string>'apt-get search。然而,这两个似乎还包括与搜索字符串无关的结果(至少在我的系统上):

# aptitude search '~dtransmission'
p   atlc                          - calculateur de lignes de transmission arbitraires                  
p   atlc:i386                     - calculateur de lignes de transmission arbitraires                  
p   atlc-examples                 - Exemples pour le calculateur de transmission de ligne arbitraire   
p   between                       - game about consciousness and isolation  
p   between:i386                  - game about consciousness and isolation  
p   boinc-app-seti                - SETI@home application for the BOINC client                         
p   boinc-app-seti:i386           - SETI@home application for the BOINC client                         
p   boinc-app-seti-dbg            - debug symbols for SETI@home             
p   boinc-app-seti-dbg:i386       - debug symbols for SETI@home             
p   boinc-app-seti-graphics       - SETI@home application for the BOINC client (with graphics)         
p   boinc-app-seti-graphics:i386  - SETI@home application for the BOINC client (with graphics)         
p   ca-cacert                     - CAcert.org root certificates            
p   cstream                       - general-purpose stream-handling tool similar to dd                 
p   cstream:i386                  - general-purpose stream-handling tool similar to dd                 
p   cycle                         - programme de calendrier pour femme      


# apt-cache search transmission
between - game about consciousness and isolation
boinc-app-seti - SETI@home application for the BOINC client
boinc-app-seti-dbg - debug symbols for SETI@home
boinc-app-seti-graphics - SETI@home application for the BOINC client (with graphics)
ca-cacert - CAcert.org root certificates
libcollada2gltfconvert-dev - COLLDADA to glTF conversion library -- development
cstream - general-purpose stream-handling tool similar to dd
freedv - Software Defined Radio (SDR)
glfer - program for reception and transmission of QRSS/DFCW signals
libgmetric4j-java - gmetric4j Ganglia metric transmission API
libgnuradio-noaa3.7.5 - gnuradio noaa satellite signals functions
hamfax - Receive/send radio facsimile transmissions with Soundcard/PTC-II
hylafax-server - Flexible client/server fax software - server daemons
hylafax-server-dbg - Debug symbols for the hylafax server
libijs-dev - IJS raster image transport protocol: development files
libijs-doc - IJS raster image transport protocol: documentation
ike-scan - discover and fingerprint IKE hosts (IPsec VPN Servers)
ion - NASA implementation of Delay-Tolerant Networking (DTN)
ion-doc - Interplanetary Overlay Network - examples and documentation
libion-dev - NASA implementation of Delay-Tolerant Networking (DTN) - development files




apt-cache search packagename

这显示了 apt 认为相关的包(其中许多甚至在描述和名称中都不包含包的名称)。

如果您只需要描述或名称中包含 packagename 的包,请使用 grep 进行管道传输:

apt-cache search packagename | grep 'packagename'


axi-cache search packagename

您可以在此处阅读有关 axi-cache 的更多信息axi-cache按相关性对分数进行排序并显示匹配百分比,因此更有可能为您提供所需的输出。看起来像是我的新替代品apt-cache

axi-cache是其一部分apt-xapian 包



aptitude search '~d <string>' # e.g.
aptitude search '~d torrent'  # search for “torrent” in the description


答案 apt-cache search transmission。它只返回其描述包含指定子字符串的包。 (不一定是指定的单词,例如该命令也匹配“重传”。)

该字符串可能不会出现在 的输出中,apt-cache search transmission因为它仅打印描述的第一行,而搜索包括整个描述。要打印完整描述,请运行apt-cache --full search transmission.
