我想使用 backup_drive 命令在一个映像中复制磁盘及其快照。
virsh qemu-monitor-command VM_NAME --hmp drive_backup device=drive-ide0-0-0 sync=full target=/mnt/mig-kvm/test_sync_snap.qcow2
Device 'device=ide0-0-0' not found
我尝试使用“domblklist”和“execute query-block”找到的设备
有人可以给我举个例子让我知道我需要在 backup_drive 命令中输入什么“设备”吗?
我已经检查过这篇文章但没有成功: QEMU 找不到设备或节点名称
谢谢 !
监视info block
[root@makrura ~]# virsh qemu-monitor-command hyperv-server-2016 --hmp "info block"
drive-scsi0-0-0-0 (#block118): /var/lib/libvirt/images/hyperv-server-2016.qcow2 (qcow2)
Attached to: scsi0-0-0-0
Cache mode: writeback
drive-sata0-0-1 (#block396): /var/lib/libvirt/isos/14393.0.160916-1106.RS1_REFRESH_SERVERHYPERCORE_OEM_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO (raw, read-only)
Attached to: sata0-0-1
Removable device: not locked, tray closed
Cache mode: writeback
drive-sata0-0-2 (#block542): /usr/share/virtio-win/virtio-win-0.1.141.iso (raw, read-only)
Attached to: sata0-0-2
Removable device: not locked, tray closed
Cache mode: writeback
。(其他块设备都是虚拟 CDROM 设备。)但drive_backup
期望的是出现在括号中的 node_name,即#block118
drive_backup [-n] [-f] [-c] device target [format] -- initiates a point-in-time
copy for a device. The device's contents are
copied to the new image file, excluding data that
is written after the command is started.
The -n flag requests QEMU to reuse the image found
in new-image-file, instead of recreating it from scratch.
The -f flag requests QEMU to copy the whole disk,
so that the result does not need a backing file.
The -c flag requests QEMU to compress backup data
(if the target format supports it).
[root@makrura ~]# virsh qemu-monitor-command hyperv-server-2016 --hmp "drive_backup -f #block118 /tmp/test.qcow2 qcow2"
[root@makrura ~]# ls -l /tmp/test.qcow2
-rw-r--r--. 1 qemu qemu 982712320 Aug 7 11:19 /tmp/test.qcow2