是否可以将 sendmail 配置为允许裸换行?

是否可以将 sendmail 配置为允许裸换行?

sendmail 8.14.4 / centos 5.x

我有一个运行 sendmail 8.14.4 的旧中继,偶尔我们的组织会收到带有裸行的电子邮件,这些电子邮件会被 sendmail 拒绝。

我理解 sendmail 这样做是因为该消息违反了 RFC 5321 第 节的规定,该节规定:

   The custom of accepting lines ending only in LF, as a concession to
   non-conforming behavior on the part of some UNIX systems, has proven
   to cause more interoperability problems than it solves, and SMTP
   server systems MUST NOT do this, even in the name of improved
   robustness.  In particular, the sequence "LF.LF" (bare line
   feeds, without carriage returns) MUST NOT be treated as equivalent to
   CRLF.CRLF as the end of mail data indication.

但是我的管理层想看看是否还有其他办法,而且我注意到其他供应商(例如 Microsoft)也有允许这样做的选项(例如,如上所述的Set-ReceiveConnector具有布尔值的 cmdlet-BareLinefeedRejectionEnabled这里

sendmail 有类似的选项吗?还是硬编码的立场/拒绝?
