尽管“append_at_myorigin = no”,Postfix 仍将 myorigin 附加到非 FQDN

尽管“append_at_myorigin = no”,Postfix 仍将 myorigin 附加到非 FQDN

我正在运行 postfix 和本地 LMTP 服务器。在我的 main.cf 中,我有append_at_myorigin = no。运行时,postconf|grep append_at_myorigin我发现该值为 no。

但由于某种原因,postfix 仍将 myorigin 附加到非 FQDN(即发送给用户变为 user@my-devices-hostname),并且毫不奇怪,LMTP 服务器不知道如何处理这些重写的地址。

为什么 Postfix 会这样做?我怎样才能让它停止?


根据:http://www.postfix.org/postconf.5.html,append_at_myorigin 不应更改。如果没有看到日志文件,就很难理解发生了什么。尝试在 master.conf 中为 snmpd 设置详细日志记录“snmpd -v

smtp      inet  n       -       n       -       -       smtpd


append_at_myorigin (default: yes)
With locally submitted mail, append the string "@$myorigin" to mail addresses without domain information. With remotely submitted mail, append the string "@$remote_header_rewrite_domain" instead.

Note 1: this feature is enabled by default and must not be turned off. Postfix does not support domain-less addresses.

Note 2: with Postfix version 2.2, message header address rewriting happens only when one of the following conditions is true:

The message is received with the Postfix sendmail(1) command,
The message is received from a network client that matches $local_header_rewrite_clients,
The message is received from the network, and the remote_header_rewrite_domain parameter specifies a non-empty value.
To get the behavior before Postfix version 2.2, specify "local_header_rewrite_clients = static:all".
