Dell DRAC -- idracadm7 根据用户名查找用户

Dell DRAC -- idracadm7 根据用户名查找用户

因此多年来我们一直使用该idracadm7命令来管理几个 DRAC 帐户密码(例如sam):

INDEX=`idracadm7 -r dracIP -u root -p rootpasswd getconfig -u sam | grep Index | cut -d= -f2`
idracadm7 -r dracIP -u root -p rootpassword config -i $INDEX -g cfgUserAdmin -o cfgUserAdminPassword sampassword


RAC1168: The RACADM "getconfig" command will be deprecated in a
future version of iDRAC firmware. Run the RACADM
"racadm get" command to retrieve the iDRAC configuration parameters.
For more information on the get command, run the RACADM command
"racadm help get".

RAC1169: The RACADM "config" command will be deprecated in a
future version of iDRAC firmware. Run the RACADM
"racadm set" command to configure the iDRAC configuration parameters.
For more information on the set command, run the RACADM command
"racadm help set".


idracadm7 -r dracIP -u root -p rootpassword get iDRAC.Users.3.UserName | grep UserName=

我找不到任何方法来sam像使用getconfig -u命令那样找到名为的用户的索引号。

