SnapRaid 清理显示奇偶校验驱动器上存在大量数据错误

SnapRaid 清理显示奇偶校验驱动器上存在大量数据错误

我是 SnapRaid 的新手,想知道当所有清理运行都像这样时出了什么问题:

Data error in parity 'parity' at position '11242042', diff bits 1048371/2097152
Data error in parity 'parity' at position '11242043', diff bits 1048278/2097152
Data error in parity 'parity' at position '11242044', diff bits 1048591/2097152
Data error in parity 'parity' at position '11242045', diff bits 1047674/2097152
Data error in parity 'parity' at position '11242046', diff bits 1049725/2097152
Data error in parity 'parity' at position '11242047', diff bits 1048050/2097152
Data error in parity 'parity' at position '11242048', diff bits 1048318/2097152
Data error in parity 'parity' at position '11242049', diff bits 1049356/2097152
Data error in parity 'parity' at position '11242050', diff bits 1049158/2097152
Data error in parity 'parity' at position '11242051', diff bits 1047212/2097152
Data error in parity 'parity' at position '11242052', diff bits 1049267/2097152
Data error in parity 'parity' at position '11242053', diff bits 1048615/2097152

100% completed, 6380380 MB accessed in 3:49

0 file errors
0 io errors
6084943 data errors

看起来奇偶校验上的所有数据都有点损坏。但设置只有 1 个月,几天前才开始清理。没有智能错误或类似错误,并且 raid 同步。我猜这与某些配置错误或 snapraid 问题有关。



在 SnapRaid 论坛的帮助下,我找到了问题所在:SnapRaid 似乎在第一次同步时遇到 I/O 错误时遇到了重大问题。从那时起,奇偶校验上的所有块都已堵塞。


检查偏移量 11242042 处的 100 个块以获取错误类型:

$ snapraid -S 11242042 -B 100 check

100% completed, 105 MB accessed in 0:00

100 errors
  0 unrecoverable errors
WARNING! There are errors!



$ snapraid status

No sync is in progress.
The 100% of the array is not scrubbed.
You have 164 files with zero sub-second timestamp.
Run the 'touch' command to set it to a not zero value.
No rehash is in progress or needed.
DANGER! In the array there are 7926625 errors!

They are from block 7107252 to 15055004, specifically at blocks: 7107252 [...]


$ snapraid fix -d parity -S 7000000


$ snapraid fix -d parity -e


$ snapraid --force-full sync

虽然花了几个小时,但是 SnapRaid 现在又恢复正常了。
