在 centos 7 上安装 reviewboard。
Web 服务器:Apache 在端口 8080 上运行
下面是我的 apache-wsgi.conf 文件
<VirtualHost *:8080>
ServerName reviews.com
DocumentRoot "/var/www/html/reviews.com/htdocs"
# Error handlers
ErrorDocument 500 /errordocs/500.html
WSGIPassAuthorization On
WSGIScriptAlias "/reviews" "/var/www/html/reviews.com/htdocs/reviewboard.wsgi/reviews"
<Directory "/var/www/html/reviews.com/htdocs">
AllowOverride All
Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks
Require all granted
# Prevent the server from processing or allowing the rendering of
# certain file types.
<Location "/reviews/media/uploaded">
SetHandler None
Options None
AddType text/plain .html .htm .shtml .php .php3 .php4 .php5 .phps .asp
AddType text/plain .pl .py .fcgi .cgi .phtml .phtm .pht .jsp .sh .rb
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
php_flag engine off
# Force all uploaded media files to download.
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header set Content-Disposition "attachment"
# Alias static media requests to filesystem
Alias /reviews/media "/var/www/html/reviews.com/htdocs/media"
Alias /reviews/static "/var/www/html/reviews.com/htdocs/static"
Alias /reviews/errordocs "/var/www/html/reviews.com/htdocs/errordocs"
Alias /reviews/favicon.ico "/var/www/html/reviews.com/htdocs/static/rb/images/favicon.png"