MS Exchange 2013 统一消息传递问题,或者真的是 AD 问题?

MS Exchange 2013 统一消息传递问题,或者真的是 AD 问题?

从哪里开始呢……首先我要承认我不是经验丰富的 Exchange 技术人员。其次是环境:(2) 2008 R2 DC 和 (1) 2012 R2 MS Exchange 2013 服务器 - 其他 Exchange 服务器已被删除 [我见过这些旧服务器的残留,但 UM 一直运行良好,直到昨天]

我们的 Exchange 2013 服务器停止接听分配给它的语音接入号码上的呼叫,用于统一消息传递。尝试重新启动时,它无法启动,并显示以下消息Windows 无法在本地计算机上启动 Microsoft Exchange 统一消息服务。错误 1053:该服务未及时响应启动或控制请求。


我继续进入事件查看器,看到所有与 Exchange 相关的消息,但都与 AD 有关。例如:

错误 1007:MSExchange 邮箱复制

邮箱复制服务无法确定邮箱服务器上的活动邮箱数据库集。邮箱服务器:错误:MapiExceptionNetworkError:无法与服务器建立管理界面连接。 (hr=0x80040115,ec=-2147221227) 诊断上下文:Lid:65256
Lid:49064 dwParam:0x1 Lid:12514 Win32Error:0x6D9 Lid:62184
Lid:16280 dwParam:0x0 Msg:EEInfo:ComputerName:n/a Lid:8600 dwParam:0x0 Msg:EEInfo:ProcessID:5456 Lid:12696 dwParam:0x0 Msg:EEInfo:生成时间:0419-01-18T16:54:09.2670000Z Lid:10648 dwParam:0x0 Msg:EEInfo:生成组件:2 Lid:14744 dwParam:0x0 消息:EEInfo:状态:1753 Lid:9624 dwParam:0x0 消息:EEInfo:检测位置:883 Lid:13720 dwParam:0x0 消息:EEInfo:标志:0 Lid:11672 dwParam:0x0 消息:EEInfo:参数数量:0 Lid:62184
Lid:16280 dwParam:0x0 消息:EEInfo:计算机名称:n/a Lid:8600 dwParam:0x0 消息:EEInfo:进程 ID:5456 Lid:12696 dwParam:0x0 消息:EEInfo:生成时间: 0419-01-18T16:54:09.2670000Z Lid:10648 dwParam:0x0 Msg:EEInfo:生成组件:2 Lid:14744 dwParam:0x0 Msg:EEInfo:状态:1753 Lid:9624 dwParam:0x0 Msg:EEInfo:检测位置:900 Lid:13720 dwParam:0x0 Msg:EEInfo:标志:0 Lid:11672 dwParam:0x0 Msg:EEInfo:参数数量:0 Lid:62184
Lid:16280 dwParam:0x0 Msg:EEInfo:计算机名称:n/a Lid:8600 dwParam:0x0 Msg:EEInfo:ProcessID:5456 Lid:12696 dwParam:0x0 Msg:EEInfo:生成时间:0419-01-18T16:54:09.2670000Z Lid:10648 dwParam:0x0 Msg:EEInfo:生成组件:2 Lid:14744 dwParam:0x0 Msg:EEInfo:状态:1753 Lid:9624 dwParam:0x0 Msg:EEInfo:检测位置:501 Lid:13720 dwParam:0x0 Msg:EEInfo:标志:0 Lid:11672 dwParam:0x0 Msg:EEInfo:参数数量:4 Lid: 8856 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: prm[0]: Unicode 字符串: ncalrpc Lid: 8856 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: prm1:Unicode 字符串:Lid:12952 dwParam:0x0 Msg:EEInfo:prm[2]:Long val:2306091726 Lid:12952 dwParam:0x0 Msg:EEInfo:prm[3]:Long val:382312662 Lid:24060 StoreEc:0x80040115 Lid:23746 Lid:
31938 StoreEc:0x80040115 Lid:19650
Lid:27842 StoreEc:0x80040115 Lid:20866
Lid:29058 StoreEc:0x80040115

错误 10006:MSExchange 中层存储

活动管理器客户端在 00:01:00 尝试查找对象 ' 时遇到 AD 超时。

错误 1002:MSExchangeThrottling

Microsoft Exchange 限制服务在构建 RPC 安全描述符时遇到 Active Directory 错误。此故障可能表示此时没有可用的域控制器。该服务将停止。故障详细信息:System.TimeoutException:00:00:30 后 AD 操作超时

错误 4027:MSExchange ADAccess

进程 msexchangerepl.exe (PID=5808)。WCF 请求(获取服务器 LDAP 服务器返回未知错误。位于 System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection.Connect() 位于 System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection.BindHelper(NetworkCredential newCredential,Boolean needSetCredential) 位于 Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.PooledLdapConnection.BindWithLogging() 位于 Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.PooledLdapConnection.BindWithRetry(Int32 maxRetries) 位于 Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.PooledLdapConnection.BindWithRetry(Int32 maxRetries) 位于 Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.LdapConnectionPool.CreateOneTimeConnection(NetworkCredential networkCredential,ADServerInfo serverInfo,LocatorFlags connectionFlags) 位于Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.LdapTopologyProvider.GetDirectoryServer(字符串分区Fqdn,ADRole 角色)位于 Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.LdapTopologyProvider.InternalGetServersForRole(字符串分区Fqdn,IList 1 目前使用服务器,ADServerRole 角色,Int32 serversRequested,布尔值 forestWideAffinityRequested)位于 Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.LdapTopologyProvider.GetConfigDCInfo(字符串分区Fqdn,布尔值 throwOnFailure)位于 Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.TopologyProvider.PopulateConfigNamingContexts(字符串分区Fqdn)位于 Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.TopologyProvider.GetConfigurationNamingContext(字符串分区Fqdn)位于 Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADDataSession.GetNamingContext(ADNamingContext adNamingContext)位于Microsoft.Exchange.Directory.TopologyService.Data.TopologyDiscoverySession.FindDirectoryServers(String 站点,列表1 dsFqdns) at Microsoft.Exchange.Directory.TopologyService.LocalForestTopologyDiscovery.FindPrimaryDS() at Microsoft.Exchange.Directory.TopologyService.ADTopologyDiscovery.Discover() at Microsoft.Exchange.Directory.TopologyService.ADTopologyDiscovery.DoWork(CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Microsoft.Exchange.Directory.TopologyService.Common.WorkItem1.Execute(CancellationToken joinToken)在 System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()在 Microsoft.Exchange.Directory.TopologyService.TopologyDiscoveryManager.EndGetTopology(IAsyncResult ar)在 Microsoft.Exchange.Directory.TopologyService.TopologyService.InternalEndGetServersForRole(IAsyncResult result)在 Microsoft.Exchange.Directory.TopologyService.TopologyService.<>c__DisplayClassa.b__9()在 Microsoft.Exchange.Directory.TopologyService.TopologyService.ExecuteServiceCall(Action action)

错误 2142:MSExchangeADTopolgy

进程 Microsoft.Exchange.Directory.TopologyService.exe (PID=2664) 林。拓扑发现失败,错误详细信息 Active Directory 服务器不可用。错误消息:Active Directory 响应:LDAP 服务器返回未知错误。

因此,此时我运行诊断系统在 PDC 上(我们称之为 DC1,其中唯一的其他 DC 将被称为 DC2):




主服务器 = dc1

  • 已识别 AD 林。已完成收集初始信息。



  Starting test: Connectivity

     ......................... dc1 passed test Connectivity



  Starting test: Advertising

     Fatal Error:DsGetDcName (dc1) call failed, error 1355

     The Locator could not find the server.

     ......................... dc1 failed test Advertising

  Starting test: FrsEvent

     There are warning or error events within the last 24 hours after the

     SYSVOL has been shared.  Failing SYSVOL replication problems may cause

     Group Policy problems. 
     ......................... dc1 passed test FrsEvent

  Starting test: DFSREvent

     ......................... dc1 passed test DFSREvent

  Starting test: SysVolCheck

     ......................... dc1 passed test SysVolCheck

  Starting test: KccEvent

     ......................... dc1 passed test KccEvent

  Starting test: KnowsOfRoleHolders

     ......................... dc1 passed test KnowsOfRoleHolders

  Starting test: MachineAccount

     ......................... dc1 passed test MachineAccount

  Starting test: NCSecDesc

     ......................... dc1 passed test NCSecDesc

  Starting test: NetLogons

     ......................... dc1 passed test NetLogons

  Starting test: ObjectsReplicated

     ......................... dc1 passed test ObjectsReplicated

  Starting test: Replications

     [Replications Check,Replications Check] Inbound replication is


     To correct, run "repadmin /options dc1 -DISABLE_INBOUND_REPL"

     [Replications Check,dc1] Outbound replication is disabled.

     To correct, run "repadmin /options dc1 -DISABLE_OUTBOUND_REPL"

     ......................... dc1 failed test Replications

  Starting test: RidManager

     ......................... dc1 passed test RidManager

  Starting test: Services

        w32time Service is stopped on [dc1]

        NETLOGON Service is paused on [dc1]

     ......................... dc1 failed test Services

  Starting test: SystemLog

     An error event occurred.  EventID: 0x0000041E

        Time Generated: 01/18/2019   08:28:59

        Event String:

        The processing of Group Policy failed. Windows could not obtain the name of a domain controller. This could be caused by a name resolution failure. Verify your Domain Name System (DNS) is configured and working correctly.

     An error event occurred.  EventID: 0x0000041E

        Time Generated: 01/18/2019   08:33:59

        Event String:

        The processing of Group Policy failed. Windows could not obtain the name of a domain controller. This could be caused by a name resolution failure. Verify your Domain Name System (DNS) is configured and working correctly.

     An error event occurred.  EventID: 0xC00038D6

        Time Generated: 01/18/2019   08:34:23

        Event String:

        The DFS Namespace service could not initialize cross forest trust information on this domain controller, but it will periodically retry the operation. The return code is in the record data.

     An error event occurred.  EventID: 0x0000041E

        Time Generated: 01/18/2019   08:38:59

        Event String:

        The processing of Group Policy failed. Windows could not obtain the name of a domain controller. This could be caused by a name resolution failure. Verify your Domain Name System (DNS) is configured and working correctly.

     An error event occurred.  EventID: 0x0000041E

        Time Generated: 01/18/2019   08:42:48

        Event String:

        The processing of Group Policy failed. Windows could not obtain the name of a domain controller. This could be caused by a name resolution failure. Verify your Domain Name System (DNS) is configured and working correctly.

     An error event occurred.  EventID: 0x0000041E

        Time Generated: 01/18/2019   08:43:59

        Event String:

        The processing of Group Policy failed. Windows could not obtain the name of a domain controller. This could be caused by a name resolution failure. Verify your Domain Name System (DNS) is configured and working correctly.

     An error event occurred.  EventID: 0x0000041E

        Time Generated: 01/18/2019   08:48:59

        Event String:

        The processing of Group Policy failed. Windows could not obtain the name of a domain controller. This could be caused by a name resolution failure. Verify your Domain Name System (DNS) is configured and working correctly.

     An error event occurred.  EventID: 0x0000041E

        Time Generated: 01/18/2019   08:53:59

        Event String:

        The processing of Group Policy failed. Windows could not obtain the name of a domain controller. This could be caused by a name resolution failure. Verify your Domain Name System (DNS) is configured and working correctly.

     An error event occurred.  EventID: 0x0000041E

        Time Generated: 01/18/2019   08:58:59

        Event String:

        The processing of Group Policy failed. Windows could not obtain the name of a domain controller. This could be caused by a name resolution failure. Verify your Domain Name System (DNS) is configured and working correctly.

     An error event occurred.  EventID: 0x0000041E

        Time Generated: 01/18/2019   09:03:59

        Event String:

        The processing of Group Policy failed. Windows could not obtain the name of a domain controller. This could be caused by a name resolution failure. Verify your Domain Name System (DNS) is configured and working correctly.

     An error event occurred.  EventID: 0x0000041E

        Time Generated: 01/18/2019   09:08:59

        Event String:

        The processing of Group Policy failed. Windows could not obtain the name of a domain controller. This could be caused by a name resolution failure. Verify your Domain Name System (DNS) is configured and working correctly.

     An error event occurred.  EventID: 0x0000041E

        Time Generated: 01/18/2019   09:13:59

        Event String:

        The processing of Group Policy failed. Windows could not obtain the name of a domain controller. This could be caused by a name resolution failure. Verify your Domain Name System (DNS) is configured and working correctly.

     An error event occurred.  EventID: 0x0000041E

        Time Generated: 01/18/2019   09:18:59

        Event String:

        The processing of Group Policy failed. Windows could not obtain the name of a domain controller. This could be caused by a name resolution failure. Verify your Domain Name System (DNS) is configured and working correctly.

     An error event occurred.  EventID: 0x0000041E

        Time Generated: 01/18/2019   09:23:59

        Event String:

        The processing of Group Policy failed. Windows could not obtain the name of a domain controller. This could be caused by a name resolution failure. Verify your Domain Name System (DNS) is configured and working correctly.

     ......................... dc1 failed test SystemLog

  Starting test: VerifyReferences

     ......................... dc1 passed test VerifyReferences


  Starting test: CheckSDRefDom

     ......................... ForestDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom

  Starting test: CrossRefValidation

     ......................... ForestDnsZones passed test



  Starting test: CheckSDRefDom

     ......................... DomainDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom

  Starting test: CrossRefValidation

     ......................... DomainDnsZones passed test



  Starting test: CheckSDRefDom

     ......................... Schema passed test CheckSDRefDom

  Starting test: CrossRefValidation

     ......................... Schema passed test CrossRefValidation


  Starting test: CheckSDRefDom

     ......................... Configuration passed test CheckSDRefDom

  Starting test: CrossRefValidation

     ......................... Configuration passed test CrossRefValidation


  Starting test: CheckSDRefDom

     ......................... <domain> passed test CheckSDRefDom

  Starting test: CrossRefValidation

     ......................... <domain> passed test CrossRefValidation

在 : .com 上运行企业测试

  Starting test: LocatorCheck

     Warning: DcGetDcName(GC_SERVER_REQUIRED) call failed, error 1355

     A Global Catalog Server could not be located - All GC's are down.

     Warning: DcGetDcName(TIME_SERVER) call failed, error 1355

     A Time Server could not be located.

     The server holding the PDC role is down.

     Warning: DcGetDcName(GOOD_TIME_SERVER_PREFERRED) call failed, error


     A Good Time Server could not be located.

     Warning: DcGetDcName(KDC_REQUIRED) call failed, error 1355

     A KDC could not be located - All the KDCs are down.

     ......................... <domain>.com failed test LocatorCheck

  Starting test: Intersite

     ......................... <domain>.com passed test Intersite

更糟糕的是,DC2 出现了问题,所以我重启了它。它不再启动 Windows,而是出现了这个 BSOD:

停止:c00002cb 安全管理器帐户管理器初始化失败,原因是以下错误:系统找不到指定的文件


忘记添加一个重要查询,netdom 查询 fsmo


通过 NTDSUtil 包含域角色列表:

fsmo 维护:连接
服务器连接:连接到服务器 dc3
绑定到 dc3 …
使用本地登录用户的凭据连接到 dc3。
fsmo 维护:选择操作目标
服务器“dc3”知道大约 5 个角色
架构 - CN=NTDS Settings,CN=DC3,CN=Servers,CN=mgaming,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration ,DC=mgaming,DC=com
命名主机 - CN=NTDS Settings,CN=DC3,CN=Servers,CN=mgaming,CN=Sites,CN=Config uration,DC=mgaming,DC=com
PDC - CN=NTDS Settings,CN=DC3,CN=Servers,CN=mgaming,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC =mgaming,DC=com
RID - CN=NTDS Settings,CN=DC3,CN=Servers,CN=mgaming,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC =mgaming,DC=com
基础结构 - CN=NTDS Settings,CN=DC3,CN=Servers,CN=mgaming,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=mgaming,DC=com
fsmo 维护:问


netdom 查询 fsmo:

Schema master       
Domain naming master  
RID pool manager    
Infrastructure master  
The command completed successfully.


Directory Server Diagnosis

Performing initial setup:
   Trying to find home server...
   Home Server = DC1
   * Identified AD Forest.
   Done gathering initial info.

Doing initial required tests

   Testing server: <domain>\DC1
      Starting test: Connectivity
         ......................... DC1 passed test Connectivity

Doing primary tests

   Testing server: <domain>\DC1
      Starting test: Advertising
         Warning: DC1 is not advertising as a time server.
         ......................... DC1 failed test Advertising
      Starting test: FrsEvent
         There are warning or error events within the last 24 hours after the
         SYSVOL has been shared.  Failing SYSVOL replication problems may cause
         Group Policy problems.
         ......................... DC1 passed test FrsEvent
      Starting test: DFSREvent
         ......................... DC1 passed test DFSREvent
      Starting test: SysVolCheck
         ......................... DC1 passed test SysVolCheck
      Starting test: KccEvent
         A warning event occurred.  EventID: 0x80000829
            Time Generated: 01/18/2019   15:58:54
            Event String:
            This directory partition has not been backed up since at least the f
ollowing number of days.
         A warning event occurred.  EventID: 0x80000829
            Time Generated: 01/18/2019   15:58:54
            Event String:
            This directory partition has not been backed up since at least the f
ollowing number of days.
         A warning event occurred.  EventID: 0x80000829
            Time Generated: 01/18/2019   15:58:54
            Event String:
            This directory partition has not been backed up since at least the f
ollowing number of days.
         A warning event occurred.  EventID: 0x80000829
            Time Generated: 01/18/2019   15:58:54
            Event String:
            This directory partition has not been backed up since at least the f
ollowing number of days.
         A warning event occurred.  EventID: 0x80000829
            Time Generated: 01/18/2019   15:58:54
            Event String:
            This directory partition has not been backed up since at least the f
ollowing number of days.
         ......................... DC1 passed test KccEvent
      Starting test: KnowsOfRoleHolders
         ......................... DC1 passed test KnowsOfRoleHolders
      Starting test: MachineAccount
         ......................... DC1 passed test MachineAccount
      Starting test: NCSecDesc
         ......................... DC1 passed test NCSecDesc
      Starting test: NetLogons
         ......................... DC1 passed test NetLogons
      Starting test: ObjectsReplicated
         ......................... DC1 passed test ObjectsReplicated
      Starting test: Replications
         [Replications Check,Replications Check] Inbound replication is
         To correct, run "repadmin /options DC1 -DISABLE_INBOUND_REPL"
         [Replications Check,DC1] Outbound replication is disabled.
         To correct, run "repadmin /options DC1 -DISABLE_OUTBOUND_REPL"
         ......................... DC1 failed test Replications
      Starting test: RidManager
         ......................... DC1 passed test RidManager
      Starting test: Services
            w32time Service is stopped on [DC1]
         ......................... DC1 failed test Services
      Starting test: SystemLog
         An error event occurred.  EventID: 0xC0002719
            Time Generated: 01/18/2019   15:10:16
            Event String:
            DCOM was unable to communicate with the computer MRInterCA01.<domain>
.com using any of the configured protocols.
         An error event occurred.  EventID: 0xC0000428
            Time Generated: 01/18/2019   15:10:16
            Event String:
            The terminal server cannot install a new template-based certificate
to be used for Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0\Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) aut
hentication and encryption. The following error occured: The RPC server is unava
         An error event occurred.  EventID: 0xC0002719
            Time Generated: 01/18/2019   15:15:17
            Event String:
            DCOM was unable to communicate with the computer MRInterCA01.<domain>
.com using any of the configured protocols.
         An error event occurred.  EventID: 0xC0000428
            Time Generated: 01/18/2019   15:15:17
            Event String:
            The terminal server cannot install a new template-based certificate
to be used for Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0\Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) aut
hentication and encryption. The following error occured: The RPC server is unava
         An error event occurred.  EventID: 0xC0002719
            Time Generated: 01/18/2019   15:20:21
            Event String:
            DCOM was unable to communicate with the computer MRInterCA01.<domain>
.com using any of the configured protocols.
         An error event occurred.  EventID: 0xC0000428
            Time Generated: 01/18/2019   15:20:21
            Event String:
            The terminal server cannot install a new template-based certificate
to be used for Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0\Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) aut
hentication and encryption. The following error occured: The RPC server is unava
         ......................... DC1 failed test SystemLog
      Starting test: VerifyReferences
         ......................... DC1 passed test VerifyReferences

   Running partition tests on : ForestDnsZones
      Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
         ......................... ForestDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom
      Starting test: CrossRefValidation
         ......................... ForestDnsZones passed test

   Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones
      Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
         ......................... DomainDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom
      Starting test: CrossRefValidation
         ......................... DomainDnsZones passed test

   Running partition tests on : Schema
      Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
         ......................... Schema passed test CheckSDRefDom
      Starting test: CrossRefValidation
         ......................... Schema passed test CrossRefValidation

   Running partition tests on : Configuration
      Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
         ......................... Configuration passed test CheckSDRefDom
      Starting test: CrossRefValidation
         ......................... Configuration passed test CrossRefValidation

   Running partition tests on : <domain>
      Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
         ......................... <domain> passed test CheckSDRefDom
      Starting test: CrossRefValidation
         ......................... <domain> passed test CrossRefValidation

   Running enterprise tests on : <domain>.com
      Starting test: LocatorCheck
         Warning: DcGetDcName(TIME_SERVER) call failed, error 1355
         A Time Server could not be located.
         The server holding the PDC role is down.
         Warning: DcGetDcName(GOOD_TIME_SERVER_PREFERRED) call failed, error
         A Good Time Server could not be located.
         ......................... <domain>.com failed test LocatorCheck
      Starting test: Intersite
         ......................... <domain>.com passed test Intersite


您需要重新配置 DC1 上的时间服务。您可以使用以下命令:

net stop w32time
w32tm /unregister
w32tm /register
net start w32time
w32tm.exe /config /manualpeerlist:”” /syncfromflags:manual /reliable:YES /update
w32tm.exe /config /update
net stop w32time
net start w32time


w32tm /查询/配置

C:\Users\Administrator>w32tm /query /configuration

EventLogFlags: 2 (Local)
AnnounceFlags: 5 (Local)
TimeJumpAuditOffset: 28800 (Local)
MinPollInterval: 6 (Local)
MaxPollInterval: 10 (Local)
MaxNegPhaseCorrection: 172800 (Local)
MaxPosPhaseCorrection: 172800 (Local)
MaxAllowedPhaseOffset: 300 (Local)

FrequencyCorrectRate: 4 (Local)
PollAdjustFactor: 5 (Local)
LargePhaseOffset: 50000000 (Local)
SpikeWatchPeriod: 900 (Local)
LocalClockDispersion: 10 (Local)
HoldPeriod: 5 (Local)
PhaseCorrectRate: 7 (Local)
UpdateInterval: 100 (Local)


NtpClient (Local)
DllName: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\w32time.DLL (Local)
Enabled: 1 (Local)
InputProvider: 1 (Local)
AllowNonstandardModeCombinations: 1 (Local)
ResolvePeerBackoffMinutes: 15 (Local)
ResolvePeerBackoffMaxTimes: 7 (Local)
CompatibilityFlags: 2147483648 (Local)
EventLogFlags: 1 (Local)
LargeSampleSkew: 3 (Local)
SpecialPollInterval: 3600 (Local)
Type: NTP (Local)
NtpServer: (Local)

NtpServer (Local)
DllName: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\w32time.DLL (Local)
Enabled: 1 (Local)
InputProvider: 0 (Local)
AllowNonstandardModeCombinations: 1 (Local)

VMICTimeProvider (Local)
DllName: C:\Windows\System32\vmictimeprovider.dll (Local)
Enabled: 1 (Local)
InputProvider: 1 (Local)

确保类型列为 NTP 并且 NtpServer 列为或您选择使用的任何时间源)。
