从列表中转储 MsolAccountSku 和 UPN

从列表中转储 MsolAccountSku 和 UPN

我正在寻找从列表中转储与 UPN 匹配的 MsolAccountSku 许可证列表。


[email protected] tenant:STANDARDPACK
[email protected] tenant:ENTERPRISEPACK

我对 PS 不是很在行,因此很难格式化输出并将其与 UPN 放在一起。


$readFile = `
  Get-Content "C:\temp\changelicense.csv"

  foreach($upn in $readFile){

$licensedetails = (Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName `

if ($licensedetails.Count -gt 0){
  foreach ($i in $licensedetails){



但我有一个旧功能可供您使用,它将用户的每个许可证映射到用户的 UPN,并显示显示名称。

该函数使用最常见的 SKU 名称的哈希表,并将其转换为人类可读的许可证版本。

如果您租户的 SKU 不在那里,只需将其添加到哈希表中即可。最终结果是一个漂亮的 .csv 文件,可以轻松导入 Excel,例如,您可以按许可证或用户进行排序,以了解谁使用了什么。

只需运行下面的代码来加载该函数,然后运行Get-LicenseUsage。这将在您的 PS 当前所在的目录中创建一个 csv 文件(以租户命名)。

    Creates a list showing which users has assigned which licenses.

    Creates a list of all licenses and which user the license is assigned to.
    The list is then output to a csv file, the file is output in the directory the script is run in.
    The filename is automatically created and uses the company name of the Office 365 Tenant.


    Author: Henrik Stanley Mortensen

Function Get-LicenseUsage()
    process  {
        $SkuPartFriendlyName = @{
            ########### Enterprise SKU's################
            "STANDARDPACK" = "Enterprise E1"
            "ENTERPRISEPACK" = "Enterprise E3"
            "ENTERPRISEPACKWSCAL" = "Enterprise E4"
            "ENTERPRISEWITHSCAL" = "Enterprise E4"
            "ENTERPRISEPREMIUM_NOPSTNCONF" = "Enterprise E5 w/o PSTN Conferencing"
            "ENTERPRISEPREMIUM " = "Enterprise E5"
            "EMS" = "Enterprise Mobility Pack"
            "AAD_BASIC" = "Azure Active Directory Basic"
            "AAD_PREMIUM" = "Azure Active Directory Premium"
            ############ Business SKU's#################
            "EXCHANGESTANDARD" = "Exchange Online Plan 1"
            "O365_BUSINESS_ESSENTIALS" = "Business Essentials"
            "O365_BUSINESS" = "Business"
            "O365_BUSINESS_PREMIUM" = "Business Premium"
            ############ Standalone Products############
            "POWER_BI_STANDARD" = "Power BI"
            "FLOW_FREE" = "Flow"
            "POWER_BI_PRO" = "Power BI Pro"
            "POWER_BI_STANDALONE" = "Microsoft Power BI for Office 365"
            "PROJECTESSENTIALS" = "Project Online"
            "PROJECTPROFESSIONAL" = "Project Online Professional"
            "PROJECTONLINE_PLAN_1" = "Project Online"
            "PROJECTCLIENT" = "Project Pro for Office 365"
            "RIGHTSMANAGEMENT_ADHOC" = "Rights Management Adhoc"
            "VISIOCLIENT" = "Visio Pro for Office 365"
            "INTUNE_A" = "Intune A Direct"
            "CRMIUR" = "Dynamics CRM URI"
            "MCOMEETADV" = "Skype for Business PSTN Conferencing"

        $lines = @()
        $array= New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

        foreach($msolUser in (Get-MSOLUser -All | Where-Object {$_.isLicensed -eq $true}))
            $i = 0
            $licenses = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
            foreach($SKU in $msolUser.licenses.AccountSku.SkuPartNumber) {
                #Runs the SkuPartNumber through the Friendly Name List to translate the license
                $licenses = $SkuPartFriendlyName.Item($msolUser.licenses[$i].AccountSku.SkuPartNumber)

                #Creates an object with information for the user license
                $lines = @{
                            "Display Name" = "$($msolUser.DisplayName)";
                            "Licenses" = "$licenses";
                            "Login" = "$($msolUser.UserPrincipalName)";

                $userInfo = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $lines

                #Adds the object to an array used for export
        #Exports the array to a csv file
        $filename = (Get-MsolCompanyInformation).DisplayName + ' License Overview.csv'
        $filename = $filename -replace "/", "."
        $array | Select-Object Login, 'Display Name', Licenses | Export-CSV $filename -Encoding UTF8 -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ";"


如果您只想通过显示 UPN 及其关联的 SKU 来获取输出。您只需调整原始脚本即可。除非您还打算显示服务计划,否则您必须合并 ServiceStatus 部分

以下是一个编辑,仅显示 UPN 和 SKU

$readFile = Get-Content "C:\temp\changelicense.csv"

foreach($upn in $readFile){

$licensedetails = (Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $upn).Licenses

if ($licensedetails.Count -gt 0){
    foreach ($i in $licensedetails){
        $upn + " " + $licensedetails.accountSKUId }
