使用“gcloud compute os-login ssh-keys add”后被锁定在 Linux VM 之外

使用“gcloud compute os-login ssh-keys add”后被锁定在 Linux VM 之外

就像这家伙,当我尝试添加 ssh 密钥时,我开始收到一条错误消息:

Supplied fingerprint does not match current metadata fingerprint


  • 特定虚拟机实例的详细信息(使用 Web 界面)
  • 共享元数据(使用 Web 界面)

我也不知道Permission denied (publickey).是否可以使用username@instanceusername_mycomp_com@instance登录。我和我所有的同事都无法再使用 ssh web 登录,这意味着我们已经被锁定在自己的服务器之外了!

我只能将此归因于运行gcloud compute os-login ssh-keys add命令,它的影响似乎比它所说的还要大。


gcloud compute ssh

$ gcloud compute ssh dev-mycomp-no
WARNING: The public SSH key file for gcloud does not exist.
WARNING: The private SSH key file for gcloud does not exist.
WARNING: You do not have an SSH key for gcloud.
WARNING: SSH keygen will be executed to generate a key.
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
Your identification has been saved in /home/carlerik/.ssh/google_compute_engine.
Your public key has been saved in /home/carlerik/.ssh/google_compute_engine.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:cicl5t/5mDmIocrkDopK2C6Rf9OvT7FhKAh9GEMPFd8 carlerik@ubuntu
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 2048]----+
| .=.o.           |
| . * . .         |
|. o o . E .      |
| . o   + o       |
| .. . o S .      |
|+.   . +.B . .   |
|.+o .. .oo..o    |
|+o.=o o.. . .=   |
|=..o=o.+o   +..  |
No zone specified. Using zone [europe-west1-b] for instance: [dev-mycomp-no].
WARNING: Using OS Login user [carlerik_mycomp_com] instead of default user [carlerik]
Warning: Permanently added 'compute.7727415340568554709' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
[email protected]: Permission denied (publickey).
ERROR: (gcloud.compute.ssh) [/usr/bin/ssh] exited with return code [255].

gcloud compute os-login ssh-keys add

gcloud compute os-login ssh-keys add --key-file ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub  | stack-overflow 
      name: '111200762294302015941'
      - accountId: charged-foo-162409
        gid: '438632669'
        homeDirectory: /home/myuser_mycomp_com
        operatingSystemType: LINUX
        primary: true
        uid: '438632669'
        username: myuser_mycomp_com
          fingerprint: f7fd01c562d4edb7292eada91dfb2213ef2344f9db605eedc65ac08cea39327e
          key: |
            ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCtB10ag2fipH7Cnls3gZvl5eBJx0OvQaLu7hndL5sif3m4CTGmrN/MuP0lei0Rt23cBy5Ey2DqAjmizCAhdc3jSQm0pXisKG92Juo2HxiJw+eMUucoPhjbEy35sKKrru2//5uPpK5IEeVEve3bIXCAQUQgyOESmHBgXmKSCz0jQXEvcV8GxxkdXK7/UQVSe5wtxzPHOoP+foobar+bjHXnQkiqk5oDeP3ewPorrvxbOeOcqk0b1qrAQYSXHqXv6lENfWIceIz1EsZlRsIV i9-mycomp

gcloud compute instances add-metadata the-instance --metadata enable-oslogin=TRUE



$ gcloud compute os-login describe-profile  
    name: '111200762294302015941'
    - gid: '726506529'
      homeDirectory: /home/myuser_mycomp_com
      operatingSystemType: LINUX
      primary: true
      uid: '726506529'
      username: myuser_mycomp_com
    - accountId: foo-mission-162409
      gid: '438632669'
      homeDirectory: /home/myuser_mycomp_com
      operatingSystemType: LINUX
      primary: true
      uid: '438632669'
      username: myuser_mycomp_com
        fingerprint: 3573aef91758f9706a884bffc95502ea5f31bbfab7a33d58be8abd9a84f53808
        key: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDCaISFI0hCDMK5SIqIBlsboBQTBCoW98bvjUjoCDn9S4kXSOtVvwNeXc/Kb+9lXqKR8CbtYgOZySPqI+5VADdAIcfot2S65Fq5qOQ1IH7Uo29nzvhyjfRbckAs3gaTF6uzxEA0THqyAZ1oGIyK3vDI8W/Ofczi08oIYWpMmWA8dQNQuKRujloDuFElpjZEjbEyfkn/e7iSm1VxZ8aLEw7M3/BsJLmtwxa+tYyTAfKx63NRFbSWf873GLOyAKCnE5ls27ftlTjDJMISI3RZd1KMdyg+6KAwN7YsCTwJXarNXr9v2GcY8lrpC7dQ/lGK1nBsPa0kOSYKQzJ0LIDxfOan


禁用 os-login 后我可以再次登录:

gcloud compute instances add-metadata dev-diffia-no --metadata enable-oslogin=FALSE


我在启用 OS Login 时遇到了类似的问题,我的密钥被旧的 debian jessie 实例拒绝。


  • Permission denied (publickey)命令行上出现以下错误消息Using OS Login user
  • Received malformed response from server模块日志中的错误消息nss_oslogin


  • google-compute-engine
  • google-compute-engine-oslogin
  • python-google-计算引擎
  • python3-google-计算引擎


# dpkg -l | grep google
ii  google-cloud-packages-archive-keyring 1.2-1                            all          Contains GPG signing key for Google Cloud Packages
ii  google-cloud-sdk                      253.0.0-0                        all          Utilities for the Google Cloud Platform
ii  google-compute-engine                 2.5.2-4                          all          google-compute-engine transitional package
ii  google-compute-engine-init-jessie     2.1.3-0.1503598199               amd64        Google Compute Engine Linux initialization scripts
ii  google-compute-engine-jessie          2.5.2-0.1502923259               all          Google Compute Engine
ii  google-compute-engine-oslogin         1.0.2-1+deb8                     amd64        Google Compute Engine OS Login
ii  google-config-jessie                  2.1.2-0.1484936429               amd64        Google Compute Engine Linux guest configuration


# dpkg -l | grep google
ii  google-cloud-packages-archive-keyring 1.2-1                            all          Contains GPG signing key for Google Cloud Packages
ii  google-cloud-sdk                      253.0.0-0                        all          Utilities for the Google Cloud Platform
ii  google-compute-engine                 2.8.16-1                         all          Google Compute Engine guest environment.
ii  google-compute-engine-oslogin         1.4.3-1+deb8                     amd64        Google Compute Engine OS Login
rc  google-config-jessie                  2.1.2-0.1484936429               amd64        Google Compute Engine Linux guest configuration
ii  python-google-compute-engine          2.8.16-1                         all          Google Compute Engine python library for Python 2.x.
ii  python3-google-compute-engine         2.8.16-1                         all          Google Compute Engine python library for Python 3.x.

为了连接到此实例以执行更新,您需要通过设置enable-oslogin=FALSE实例的元数据来暂时禁用 OS Login如@oligofren 的回答所述


deb http://packages.cloud.google.com/apt google-compute-engine-jessie-stable main


# sudo apt install --reinstall google-compute-engine google-compute-engine-oslogin python-google-compute-engine python3-google-compute-engine

然后您可以为该实例重新启用 OS Login。
