

在 xterm(或 gnome-terminal)中运行以下命令设置所谓的“图标名称”:

echo -en "\e]1;some_value\a"




很久以前,有一个名为 twm 的窗口管理器——实际上,它仍然存在并且运行得很好。它不像 MS Windows、Mac OS X 和许多现代窗口管理器那样将窗口最小化为屏幕底部的一个栏(或类似的栏),而是将它们缩小为带标签的图标(“iconfify”)。

维基百科 twm 文章有一些不错的图片,例如:

截图自 TWM

窗口标题是标题栏中的内容(例如“计算器”或“xterm”)。图标名称是图标化时图标下方的内容(“xclock”)。现代窗口管理器可能都忽略图标名称,因为它们不使用图标 UI。



我将在这里讨论xterm:它是一个旧软件,它的许多术语现在已经过时了。其中man xterm写道:

    iconName (class IconName) 
            Specifies a label for xterm when
            iconified.  Xterm provides no default value; some
            window managers may assume the application name, e.g.,

            Setting the iconName resource sets the icon label
            unless overridden by zIconBeep or the control sequences
            which change the window and icon labels.


-n string
        This option specifies the icon name for xterm's windows.  It
        is shorthand for specifying the "iconName" resource.  Note
        that this is not the same as the toolkit option -name (see
        below).  The default icon name is the application name.

像这样开始后xterm,使用title!=iconName我仍然看不到ICON图标化窗口后显示的字符串xterm(Alt-F9 in fluxbox):

$ xterm -n ICON -T a-new-title


   activeIcon (class ActiveIcon) 
           Specifies whether or not active
           icon windows are to be used when the xterm window is
           iconified, if this feature is compiled into xterm.  The
           active icon is a miniature representation of the
           content of the window and will update as the content
           changes.  Not all window managers necessarily support
           application icon windows.  Some window managers will
           allow you to enter keystrokes into the active icon
           window.  The default is "default".

           Xterm accepts either a keyword (ignoring case) or the
           number shown in parentheses:

           false (0)
                  No active icon is shown.

           true (1) 
                  The active icon is shown.  If you are using
                  twm, use this setting to enable active-icons.

           default (2) 
                  Xterm checks at startup, and shows an
                  active icon only for window managers which it
                  can identify and which are known to support the
                  feature.  **These are fvwm (full support), and
                  window maker (limited).**  A few other windows
                  managers (such as twm and ctwm) support active
                  icons, but do not support the exten- sions which
                  allow xterm to identify the window manager.

activeIcon可能与功能没有直接关系iconName,但是它给我们提供了一个线索,即与图标相关的功能xterm只能在某些窗口管理器中正常工作。我建议Xephyr测试一个fvwmwindow maker按照联机帮助页中的指定进行测试:

$ Xephyr :1 -ac -screen 800x600


$ DISPLAY=:1 wmaker

现在让我们开始xterm内部window maker:右键单击 -> Applications-> Terminals-> xterm。再次xterm从选项开始-n

$ xterm -n ICON -T a-new-title

右键单击标题栏并选择Miniaturize。现在您可以看到xterm图标实际上被标记为ICON。单击它将其恢复,并看到标题栏为a-new-title。结论是该iconName功能仅适用于某些窗口管理器,很可能是较旧的窗口管理器。如果您感觉足够强大,您可以浏览window maker源代码并修补您自己的窗口管理器(如果它不支持iconName.

