

我有一个有点复杂的虚拟网络设置,其中包含多个虚拟机及其之间的链接。ip设置它大概需要 40 个命令,这些命令(如果我没有看错文档的话)需要翻译成多个文件中的适当接口定义以及文件.netdev中的其他详细信息。/etc/netplan/




ip link add veth_host_1 type veth peer name veth_host_2_b1
ip link add veth_host_2 type veth peer name veth_host_1_b1
ip link add veth_host_x type veth peer name veth_host_x_b2
ip link add veth_host_y type veth peer name veth_host_y_b2
#(several more like the above)

# Some direct links like this too:
ip link add veth_host_1_lnk1 type veth peer name veth_host_x_lnk1

# And the bridges
ip link add br_1 type bridge
ip link add br_2 type bridge

# Add the interfaces to the bridges
ip link set veth_host_1_b master br_1
ip link set veth_host_2_b master br_1
ip link set veth_host_x_b master br_2
ip link set veth_host_y_b master br_2

# Bring up the bridges
ip link set br_1 up
ip link set br_2 up

# The setup the interfaces
ip link set veth_host_1 address aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:f1 up
ip link set veth_host_2 address aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:f2 up
# (and so on for each interface)
