使用 nginx proxy_pass 在不同的端口上托管 2 个应用程序

使用 nginx proxy_pass 在不同的端口上托管 2 个应用程序

为什么proxy_pass http://backends/;位置下的/textcat会将我带到服务器的根目录(localhost:8081)并且proxy_pass http://backends;(没有尾随的 /)会将我带到(看似)localhost:8081/textcat


upstream backends {
    server localhost:8081; # change to the port the webapp is listening on.

upstream backends_NER {
    server localhost:8082; # change to the port the webapp is listening on.

server {
    listen 443 ssl;
    server_name "";
    ...SSL Stuff...

    location = /textcat {
        proxy_pass http://backends/;

    location /ner {
        proxy_pass http://backends_NER/;# This seems to work because of the trailing slash. Since the http_referrer is /ner our proxy path has to have the trailing /
# have to redirect on a any location request, and if the referrer is /textcat do localhost:8081
    location / {
    if ($http_referer ~* (/textcat) ) {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8081;
    if ($http_referer ~* (/ner) ) {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8082;
