我的星号服务器无法读取 extensions.conf

我的星号服务器无法读取 extensions.conf

我在 virtualbox 上的 ubuntu 22 上安装了 asterisk,一切正常,当 voip 呼叫到达我的服务器时,它告诉我:

rejected because extension not found in context 'default'.

我的 sip.conf 文件:

[1060] ; This will be WebRTC client
username=1060 ; The Auth user for SIP.js
host=dynamic ; Allows any host to register
secret=password ; The SIP Password for SIP.js
encryption=yes ; Tell Asterisk to use encryption for this peer
avpf=yes ; Tell Asterisk to use AVPF for this peer
icesupport=yes ; Tell Asterisk to use ICE for this peer
context=default ; Tell Asterisk which context to use when this peer is dialing
directmedia=no ; Asterisk will relay media for this peer
transport=udp,ws ; Asterisk will allow this peer to register on UDP or WebSockets
force_avp=yes ; Force Asterisk to use avp. Introduced in Asterisk 11.11
dtlsenable=yes ; Tell Asterisk to enable DTLS for this peer
dtlsverify=no ; Tell Asterisk to not verify your DTLS certs
dtlscertfile=/etc/asterisk/keys/asterisk.pem ; Tell Asterisk where your DTLS cert file   is
dtlsprivatekey=/etc/asterisk/keys/asterisk.pem ; Tell Asterisk where your DTLS private key is
dtlssetup=actpass ; Tell Asterisk to use actpass SDP parameter when setting up DTLS

和我的 extensions.conf 文件:

 exten => 1060,1,Dial(SIP/1060) ; Dialing 1060 will call the SIP client registered to 1060

即使我删除了 extionsions.conf,也没有收到错误
