Dovecot/Postfix 自动将账户添加到 Thunderbird 失败,用户名错误

Dovecot/Postfix 自动将账户添加到 Thunderbird 失败,用户名错误

我已经使用 MySQL 配置了 Postfix 和 Dovecot,并且可以使用 Thunderbird(或其他应用程序)成功发送和接收电子邮件,但我必须使用手动设置进行配置,而不是使用自动配置。

下面的示例显示了尝试使用自动配置将帐户添加到 Thunderbird。用户名字段没有域组件,如您在图中看到的。我创建了一个测试用户,当我尝试连接时,Dovecot 日志仅显示使用测试而不是完整电子邮件地址的 mysql 查找。

Thunderbird 自动配置

我有像这样配置的 dovecot-sql.conf.ext 文件

password_query = SELECT username,domain,password FROM mailbox WHERE username='%u';

dovecot 10-auth.conf 文件配置了 %u

auth_username_format = %u


以下是来自 dovecot 调试日志的文本示例

Sep 01 20:00:59 auth: Debug: sql(test,[IP Address],<fheTBDemh3aZpZ2C>): Performing passdb lookup
Sep 01 20:00:59 auth-worker(14793): Debug: Loading modules from directory: /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/auth
Sep 01 20:00:59 auth-worker(14793): Debug: Module loaded: /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/auth/
Sep 01 20:00:59 auth-worker(14793): Debug: Module loaded: /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/auth/
Sep 01 20:00:59 auth-worker(14793): Debug: sqlpool(mysql): Creating new connection
Sep 01 20:00:59 auth-worker(14793): Debug: mysql(localhost): Connecting
Sep 01 20:00:59 auth-worker(14793): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (pid=14792,uid=115): Server accepted connection (fd=14)
Sep 01 20:00:59 auth-worker(14793): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (pid=14792,uid=115): Sending version handshake
Sep 01 20:00:59 auth-worker(14793): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (pid=14792,uid=115): auth-worker<1>: Handling PASSV request
Sep 01 20:00:59 auth-worker(14793): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (pid=14792,uid=115): auth-worker<1>: sql(test,[IP Address],<fheTBDemh3aZpZ2C>): Performing passdb lookup
Sep 01 20:00:59 auth-worker(14793): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (pid=14792,uid=115): auth-worker<1>: sql(test,[IP Address],<fheTBDemh3aZpZ2C>): query: SELECT username AS user,password FROM mailbox WHERE username = 'test' AND active$
Sep 01 20:00:59 auth-worker(14793): Debug: mysql(localhost): Finished query 'SELECT username AS user,password FROM mailbox WHERE username = 'test' AND active='1'' in 0 msecs
Sep 01 20:00:59 auth-worker(14793): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (pid=14792,uid=115): auth-worker<1>: sql(test,[IP Address],<fheTBDemh3aZpZ2C>): Finished passdb lookup
Sep 01 20:00:59 auth-worker(14793): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (pid=14792,uid=115): auth-worker<1>: Finished: user_unknown
Sep 01 20:00:59 auth: Debug: sql(test,[IP Address],<fheTBDemh3aZpZ2C>): Finished passdb lookup
Sep 01 20:00:59 auth: Debug: auth(test,[IP Address],<fheTBDemh3aZpZ2C>): Auth request finished
Sep 01 20:01:01 auth: Debug: client passdb out: FAIL    1       user=test




RFC 6186是/曾经尝试定义一组 DNS SRV 记录,以允许客户端查找如何以及在何处连接,但适应性似乎有所欠缺。


 IMAP, POP3, and SMTP (submission) servers SHOULD be configured to 
 allow authentication with email addresses or email local-parts.
 In the former case, the email addresses MUST NOT conflict with
 other forms of permitted user login name. 




  • Exchange 和 Outlook 使用的 SRV记录

  •使用 A 记录和 web 服务调用的实际主机。

  • 在“中央数据库”中查找来自许多大型 ISP 的设置

  • 有根据的猜测

  • 当所有配置都失败时 - 恢复为手动配置

对于您的域名来说“有根据的猜测” 找到正确的收发邮件服务器但无法猜出正确的登录名格式。

正如您在屏幕截图中看到的那样,Thunderbird 使用“测试”而不是“[电子邮件保护]“。

这就是您需要解决的问题,dovecot 中没有配置错误。

您可以通过设置 网站为电子邮件客户端提供正确的设置来获得更好的自动配置。

