握手之间的 Wireguard 连接

握手之间的 Wireguard 连接

我遇到了一个非常奇怪的问题。我在 VPS 和我的 MacBook 上运行 WG。我在 Debian 主机上的 LinuxServer 容器上运行 WG。连接很好,速度很快,一切都运行良好。但我注意到,每隔一段时间(比如每 10-20 分钟)就会发生一次握手,然后我的互联网连接就会立即断开。我仍然可以访问内部服务,所以我知道我的 MacBook 仍然连接到服务器。在下一次握手之前,我无法访问互联网 16 秒,然后互联网会立即恢复。

在此期间,我监控了服务器,发现在下载种子时有很多kworker/1:1-wg-crypt-wg0进程在运行,而当这种情况发生时,所有这些进程都会被终止。这几乎就像服务器正在重新启动或 WG 正在重新启动一样,但我知道情况并非如此,因为我仍然可以访问内部容器,因此连接仍然存在,WG 没有中断。

我确实知道其他设备上仍然可以上网,所以这与 wireguard 有关。

不管我是在进行密集的网络操作(如下载种子)还是只是浏览网页,都会发生这种情况。看起来不是 VPS 丢失了连接。我一直在 ping google,当这种情况发生时,VPS 会继续 ping google,而我的 MacBook 无法 ping google





   # Core settings
   PrivateKey = xxxxx
   Address =

   # Misc. settings (optional)
   ListenPort = 51820

   # Interface hooks (optional)
   PostUp = iptables -A FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -A FORWARD -o %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth+ -j MASQUERADE
   PostDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -D FORWARD -o %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o eth+ -j MASQUERADE

   MTU = 1400

   # Peers

   PublicKey = xxxxx
   PresharedKey = xxxx
   AllowedIPs =
   PersistentKeepalive = 16



   # Core settings

   PrivateKey = xxxxx
   Address =

   # Misc. settings (optional)
   DNS = xxxxx

   MTU = 1400

   PublicKey = xxxx
   Endpoint = xxxx:51820
   AllowedIPs =,
   PresharedKey = xxxx
   PersistentKeepalive = 16


这些是我在服务器端获取的日志modprobe wireguard

Mar 16 13:55:54 [  +2.156106] wireguard: wg0: Receiving handshake initiation from peer 315 (<my-client-ip>:16235)
Mar 16 13:55:54 [  +0.000003] wireguard: wg0: Sending handshake response to peer 315 (<my-client-ip>)
Mar 16 13:55:54 [  +0.000165] wireguard: wg0: Keypair 10604 destroyed for peer 315
Mar 16 13:55:54 [  +0.000002] wireguard: wg0: Keypair 10606 created for peer 315

Mar 16 13:56:10 [  +2.451426] wireguard: wg0: Receiving handshake initiation from peer 315 (<my-client-ip>)
Mar 16 13:56:10 [  +0.000003] wireguard: wg0: Sending handshake response to peer 315 (<my-client-ip>)
Mar 16 13:56:10 [  +0.000185] wireguard: wg0: Keypair 10605 destroyed for peer 315
Mar 16 13:56:10 [  +0.000001] wireguard: wg0: Keypair 10607 created for peer 315
Mar 16 13:56:10 [  +0.161195] wireguard: wg0: Receiving keepalive packet from peer 315 (<my-client-ip>)

从客户端,ping google.com 来检查互联网连接

Mar 16 10:55:54 64 bytes from <google-ip>: icmp_seq=187 ttl=108 time=161.723 ms
Mar 16 10:55:56 Request timeout for icmp_seq 188
Mar 16 10:55:57 Request timeout for icmp_seq 189
Mar 16 10:55:58 Request timeout for icmp_seq 190
Mar 16 10:55:59 Request timeout for icmp_seq 191
Mar 16 10:56:00 Request timeout for icmp_seq 192
Mar 16 10:56:01 Request timeout for icmp_seq 193
Mar 16 10:56:02 Request timeout for icmp_seq 194
Mar 16 10:56:03 Request timeout for icmp_seq 195
Mar 16 10:56:04 Request timeout for icmp_seq 196
Mar 16 10:56:05 Request timeout for icmp_seq 197
Mar 16 10:56:06 Request timeout for icmp_seq 198
Mar 16 10:56:07 Request timeout for icmp_seq 199
Mar 16 10:56:08 Request timeout for icmp_seq 200
Mar 16 10:56:09 Request timeout for icmp_seq 201
Mar 16 10:56:10 Request timeout for icmp_seq 202
Mar 16 10:56:11 Request timeout for icmp_seq 203
Mar 16 10:56:11 64 bytes from <google-ip>: icmp_seq=204 ttl=108 time=161.172 ms



设法在客户端 (macbook) 上获得一定程度的日志记录。通过运行

sudo LOG_LEVEL=verbose wg show

当 MacBook 接收握手响应并发起握手时,我会收到日志。


Mar 16 16:47:09 [  +0.393175] wireguard: wg0: Receiving handshake initiation from peer 315 (<client-ip>)
Mar 16 16:47:09 [  +0.000003] wireguard: wg0: Sending handshake response to peer 315 (<client-ip>)
Mar 16 16:47:09 [  +0.000175] wireguard: wg0: Keypair 10790 destroyed for peer 315
Mar 16 16:47:09 [  +0.000001] wireguard: wg0: Keypair 10793 created for peer 315
Mar 16 16:47:09 [  +0.280476] wireguard: wg0: Receiving keepalive packet from peer 315 (<client-ip>)


Mar 16 16:47:25 [  +1.391045] wireguard: wg0: Receiving handshake initiation from peer 315 (<client-ip>)
Mar 16 16:47:25 [  +0.000003] wireguard: wg0: Sending handshake response to peer 315 (<client-ip>)
Mar 16 16:47:25 [  +0.000166] wireguard: wg0: Keypair 10792 destroyed for peer 315
Mar 16 16:47:25 [  +0.000002] wireguard: wg0: Keypair 10794 created for peer 315
Mar 16 16:47:25 [  +0.159758] wireguard: wg0: Receiving keepalive packet from peer 315 (<client-ip>)


DEBUG: (utun6) 2023/03/16 13:42:35 peer(xxxx) - Received handshake response
DEBUG: (utun6) 2023/03/16 13:42:35 peer(xxxx) - Sending keepalive packet
DEBUG: (utun6) 2023/03/16 13:44:35 peer(xxxx) - Sending handshake initiation
DEBUG: (utun6) 2023/03/16 13:44:35 peer(xxxx) - Received handshake response
DEBUG: (utun6) 2023/03/16 13:44:35 peer(xxxx) - Sending keepalive packet
DEBUG: (utun6) 2023/03/16 13:46:35 peer(xxxx) - Sending handshake initiation
DEBUG: (utun6) 2023/03/16 13:46:35 peer(xxxx) - Received handshake response
DEBUG: (utun6) 2023/03/16 13:46:35 peer(xxxx) - Sending keepalive packet
DEBUG: (utun6) 2023/03/16 13:47:24 peer(xxxx) - Retrying handshake because we stopped hearing back after 15 seconds
DEBUG: (utun6) 2023/03/16 13:47:24 peer(xxxx) - Sending handshake initiation
DEBUG: (utun6) 2023/03/16 13:47:24 peer(xxxx) - Received handshake response
DEBUG: (utun6) 2023/03/16 13:47:24 peer(xxxx) - Sending keepalive packet

我发现一个Retrying handshake because we stopped hearing back after 15 seconds有趣的原因是当互联网断线时。那么握手失败,客户端重试然后它就正常工作了?但为什么呢?



watch wg show all在服务器上有一个,我可以看到我的 macbook 对等配置是<my-ip>:16918。每当握手失败并且我失去连接时,我都会在服务器端看到如下日志:

Mar 16 18:17:19 [  +1.217668] wireguard: wg0: Receiving handshake initiation from peer 318 (<client-ip>:16235)
Mar 16 18:17:19 [  +0.000004] wireguard: wg0: Sending handshake response to peer 318 (<client-ip>:16235)
Mar 16 18:17:19 [  +0.000191] wireguard: wg0: Keypair 10893 destroyed for peer 318
Mar 16 18:17:19 [  +0.000002] wireguard: wg0: Keypair 10896 created for peer 318
Mar 16 18:17:19 [  +0.275182] wireguard: wg0: Receiving keepalive packet from peer 318 (<client-ip>:16235)

Mar 16 18:17:34 [  +0.687921] wireguard: wg0: Receiving handshake initiation from peer 318 (<client-ip>:16918)
Mar 16 18:17:34 [  +0.000004] wireguard: wg0: Sending handshake response to peer 318 (<client-ip>:16918)
Mar 16 18:17:34 [  +0.000250] wireguard: wg0: Keypair 10894 destroyed for peer 318
Mar 16 18:17:34 [  +0.000002] wireguard: wg0: Keypair 10897 created for peer 318
Mar 16 18:17:34 [  +0.164268] wireguard: wg0: Receiving keepalive packet from peer 318 (<client-ip>:16918)

