我正在尝试帮助某人在运行 Fedora 20 (lvm2-、linux 3.19.8-100) 的旧服务器上恢复 RAID1 镜像 LVM 逻辑卷。镜像中的一个磁盘已损坏。该磁盘属于名为 systemvg 的 VG。vgchange 说:
vgchange -a y --partial systemvg
PARTIAL MODE. Incomplete logical volumes will be processed.
PV qtva6m-iBhc-q3Zt-At1U-FiWH-iZd8-tjpR0u not recognised. Is the device missing?
device-mapper: reload ioctl on failed: Input/output error
1 logical volume(s) in volume group "systemvg" now active
(“ioctl on failed” 令人费解,但无论如何。)
现在我们尝试修复该 VG 中名为“home”的 LV:
lvconvert --repair systemvg/home
PV qtva6m-iBhc-q3Zt-At1U-FiWH-iZd8-tjpR0u not recognised. Is the device missing?
Attempt to replace failed RAID images (requires full device resync)? [y/n]: y
device-mapper: create ioctl on systemvg-home_rmeta_2 failed: Device or resource busy
Failed to suspend systemvg/home before committing changes
Failed to replace faulty devices in systemvg/home.
Device '/dev/sdc' has been left open (1 remaining references).
Device '/dev/sda1' has been left open (1 remaining references).
Internal error: 2 device(s) were left open and have been closed.
现在情况变得复杂了,因为我们(愚蠢地?)使用 vgextend 向 systemvg 添加了一个新的 PV(新的空白磁盘),希望这会有所帮助。但事实并非如此,现在我们无法从 systemvg 中删除该磁盘。
lsblk 当前显示:
sda 8:0 0 7.3T 0 disk
└─sda1 8:1 0 7.3T 0 part
├─systemvg-home_rmeta_2 253:9 0 4M 0 lvm
└─systemvg-home_rimage_2 253:10 0 5.5T 0 lvm
sdc 8:32 0 5.5T 0 disk
├─systemvg-home_rmeta_0 253:2 0 4M 0 lvm
└─systemvg-home_rimage_0 253:3 0 5.5T 0 lvm
systemvg-home_rmeta_1-missing_0_0 253:4 0 4M 0 lvm
└─systemvg-home_rmeta_1 253:5 0 4M 0 lvm
systemvg-home_rimage_1-missing_0_0 253:6 0 5.5T 0 lvm
└─systemvg-home_rimage_1 253:7 0 5.5T 0 lvm
sdc 是镜像剩余的原始一半。sda 是我们添加到 systemvg 的新空磁盘。
/dev/mapper 包含: