写法 `function Name { ...; 的区别}`, `名称 () { ...; }` 和 `函数名称 () { ...; }` 在 bash

写法 `function Name { ...; 的区别}`, `名称 () { ...; }` 和 `函数名称 () { ...; }` 在 bash

您可以通过多种方式编写 bash 函数:

function JoinStrings {


function JoinStrings () {


JoinStrings () {

这些功能有什么区别吗?为什么 bash 中有 3 种不同的方法来编写函数? (还有更多的方法来编写函数吗?)


man bash说:

Shell Function Definitions
   A  shell function is an object that is called like a simple command and exe‐
   cutes a compound command with a new set  of  positional  parameters.   Shell
   functions are declared as follows:

   name () compound-command [redirection]
   function name [()] compound-command [redirection]
          This  defines  a  function named name.  The reserved word function is
          optional.  If the function reserved word is supplied, the parentheses
          are  optional.  The body of the function is the compound command com‐
          pound-command (see Compound Commands above).  That command is usually
          a  list  of  commands  between { and }, but may be any command listed
          under Compound Commands above.  compound-command is executed whenever
          name  is  specified  as  the name of a simple command.  When in posix
          mode, name may not be the name of one of the POSIX special  builtins.
          Any redirections (see REDIRECTION below) specified when a function is
          defined are performed when the function is executed.  The exit status
          of  a  function  definition is zero unless a syntax error occurs or a
          readonly function with the same name already exists.  When  executed,
          the  exit status of a function is the exit status of the last command
          executed in the body.  (See FUNCTIONS below.)

