根据标题,我正在尝试更新运行 RHEL7 的 R720 服务器上的 iDRAC。
我通过访问戴尔的支持网站、输入我的服务标签,然后筛选到 iDRAC 和生命周期控制器固件更新,获得了正确的固件文件。我下载了 .EXE 文件。
当我发出 racadm update 命令时,它响应一个错误,指出文件名太长。我没有编辑文件名,它是从戴尔下载的。
[acoder@box idracfw]# racadm update -f iDRAC-with-Lifecycle-Controller_Firmware_0GHF4_WN64_2.65.65.65_A00.EXE
Applying Update.... Depending on the file size this operation might take several minutes, do not interrupt the process.
ERROR: RAC923 : The file path is too long.
Try the same command with a shorter file path
(specified with the -f parameter) which is less than
64 characters in length.
[acoder@box idracfw]# mv iDRAC-with-Lifecycle-Controller_Firmware_0GHF4_WN64_2.65.65.65_A00.EXE iDRAC-w-LC-Contr_Fw_0GHF4_WN64_2.65.65.65_A00.EXE
[acoder@box idracfw]# racadm update -f iDRAC-w-LC-Contr_Fw_0GHF4_WN64_2.65.65.65_A00.EXE
Applying Update.... Depending on the file size this operation might take several minutes, do not interrupt the process.
ERROR: RAC989: Unable to apply the iDRAC-w-LC-Contr_Fw_0GHF4_WN64_2.65.65.65_A00.EXE firmware update.
The file used for the operation is invalid. For the list of
supported files, use "racadm help update". For the correct version of
the file specific to the system, contact the service provider.
无论架构如何,都会发生相同的错误(固件文件有 64 位和 32 位版本)
如果您有 iDRAC 企业版,请使用 Web UI 通过 .exe 进行更新,它将绕过该错误。