

我正在寻找混淆端口扫描器的方法。我确实知道这没什么用,但它主要是为了减慢攻击者的速度,同时也避免最终出现在 Shodan 等网站上(或者至少使数据变得无关紧要)。

我提出了以下 nftables 规则(省略了一些细节):

table inet filter {
  chain input {
    type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop;
    ct state invalid drop comment "early drop of invalid packets"

    # ICMP (rate limit to prevent icmp flood)
    ip protocol icmp ct state new limit rate 5/second counter accept comment "accept rate limited ICMP requests"
    ip protocol icmp counter drop

    # Accept already established/related connections
    ct state {established, related} accept comment "accept all connections related to connections made by us"

    # Log any failed inbound traffic attempt
    log flags all prefix "FIREWALL REJECTED INPUT: " counter

    # Send a random ICMP rejection type to confuse port scanners
    numgen random mod 16 == 0 reject with icmp type 0
    numgen random mod 16 == 0 reject with icmp type 1
    numgen random mod 16 == 0 reject with icmp type 2
    numgen random mod 16 == 0 reject with icmp type 3
    numgen random mod 16 == 0 reject with icmp type 4
    numgen random mod 16 == 0 reject with icmp type 5
    numgen random mod 16 == 0 reject with icmp type 6
    numgen random mod 16 == 0 reject with icmp type 7
    numgen random mod 16 == 0 reject with icmp type 8
    numgen random mod 16 == 0 reject with icmp type 9
    numgen random mod 16 == 0 reject with icmp type 10
    numgen random mod 16 == 0 reject with icmp type 11
    numgen random mod 16 == 0 reject with icmp type 12
    numgen random mod 16 == 0 reject with icmp type 13
    numgen random mod 16 == 0 reject with icmp type 14
    numgen random mod 16 == 0 reject with icmp type 15

它与 nmap 相比效果很好。nmap 输出中出现许多错误(“意外的 ICMP 类型/代码”),输出非常混乱,难以利用,并且整体扫描速度要慢得多。


  1. 有一种更好的方法来编写随机拒绝部分,类似于{0-15}(不起作用),而且我认为它将生成最多 16 个随机数,尽管我只需要一个。我尝试定义一个变量,但无法使其工作。
  2. 它会显著减慢我的机器速度(熵耗尽?)
  3. 这可能会对我网络上的其他机器造成问题(我正在考虑接收这些随机响应的多播协议)
  4. 您认为总体而言是值得的(比如说面向互联网的服务器)

