![GCloud SDK `--filter` 选项似乎是大小写 SEnsitive,文档却说相反:我错过了什么?](https://linux22.com/image/791663/GCloud%20SDK%20%60--filter%60%20%E9%80%89%E9%A1%B9%E4%BC%BC%E4%B9%8E%E6%98%AF%E5%A4%A7%E5%B0%8F%E5%86%99%20SEnsitive%EF%BC%8C%E6%96%87%E6%A1%A3%E5%8D%B4%E8%AF%B4%E7%9B%B8%E5%8F%8D%EF%BC%9A%E6%88%91%E9%94%99%E8%BF%87%E4%BA%86%E4%BB%80%E4%B9%88%EF%BC%9F.png)
首先,我的gcloud --vesion
Google Cloud SDK 425.0.0
bq 2.0.89
core 2023.03.31
gcloud-crc32c 1.0.0
gsutil 5.21
接下来,执行区分大小写的过滤的 GCloud 命令行:
gcloud compute images list --format="table(name,description)" --filter="description:server"
gcloud compute images list --format="table(name,description)" --filter="description:server" | wc
10 145 1297
gcloud compute images list --format="table(name,description)" --filter="description:Server" | wc
56 818 7713
关于此的主要文档,gcloud 主题过滤器,特别是链接跳转到的部分,“关键:简单模式”,他说这种情况总是不敏感的。
(我正在运行 SDK 的操作系统)
或者我是否可以在我的“用户”中设置 GCloud 设置?
gcloud compute images list --format="table(name,description)" --filter="description:server"
ubuntu-pro-1604-xenial-v20231213 Canonical, Ubuntu, 16.04 LTS Pro Server, amd64 xenial pro server image built on 2023-12-13
ubuntu-pro-1804-bionic-arm64-v20231213a Canonical, Ubuntu, 18.04 LTS Pro Server, arm64 bionic pro server image built on 2023-12-13
ubuntu-pro-1804-bionic-v20231213a Canonical, Ubuntu, 18.04 LTS Pro Server, amd64 bionic pro server image built on 2023-12-13
ubuntu-pro-2004-focal-arm64-v20231213 Canonical, Ubuntu, 20.04 LTS Pro Server, arm64 focal pro server image built on 2023-12-13
ubuntu-pro-2004-focal-v20231213 Canonical, Ubuntu, 20.04 LTS Pro Server, amd64 focal pro server image built on 2023-12-13
ubuntu-pro-2204-jammy-arm64-v20231213a Canonical, Ubuntu, 22.04 LTS Pro Server, arm64 jammy pro server image built on 2023-12-13
ubuntu-pro-2204-jammy-v20231213a Canonical, Ubuntu, 22.04 LTS Pro Server, amd64 jammy pro server image built on 2023-12-13
ubuntu-pro-fips-1804-bionic-v20230530 Canonical, Ubuntu, 18.04 LTS Pro FIPS Server, amd64 bionic pro fips server image built on 2023-05-30, supports Shielded VM features
ubuntu-pro-fips-2004-focal-v20231022 Canonical, Ubuntu, 20.04 LTS Pro FIPS Server, amd64 focal pro fips server image built on 2023-10-22
看看上面的 Ubuntu 条目如何匹配“服务器”也出现在下面的结果中——这是因为这些描述有两个都单词:“服务器”和“服务器”。
gcloud compute images list --format="table(name,description)" --filter="description:Server"
sles-12-sp5-v20231108-x86-64 SUSE, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5, x86_64, built on 20231108
sles-15-sp5-v20231214-arm64 SUSE, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5, arm64, built on 20231214
sles-15-sp5-v20231214-x86-64 SUSE, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5, x86_64, built on 20231214
sles-12-sp5-sap-v20231019-x86-64 SUSE, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5 for SAP, x86_64, built on 20231019
sles-15-sp2-sap-v20231214-x86-64 SUSE, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2 for SAP, x86_64, built on 20231214
sles-15-sp3-sap-v20231214-x86-64 SUSE, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3 for SAP, x86_64, built on 20231214
sles-15-sp4-sap-v20231214-x86-64 SUSE, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4 for SAP, x86_64, built on 20231214
sles-15-sp5-sap-v20231214-x86-64 SUSE, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5 for SAP, x86_64, built on 20231214
sles-sap-15-sp4-hardened-v20231214-x86-64 SUSE, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4 for SAP hardened with security features, x86_64, built on 20231214
sles-sap-15-sp5-hardened-v20231214-x86-64 SUSE, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5 for SAP hardened with security features, x86_64, built on 20231214
ubuntu-pro-1604-xenial-v20231213 Canonical, Ubuntu, 16.04 LTS Pro Server, amd64 xenial pro server image built on 2023-12-13
ubuntu-pro-1804-bionic-arm64-v20231213a Canonical, Ubuntu, 18.04 LTS Pro Server, arm64 bionic pro server image built on 2023-12-13
ubuntu-pro-1804-bionic-v20231213a Canonical, Ubuntu, 18.04 LTS Pro Server, amd64 bionic pro server image built on 2023-12-13
ubuntu-pro-2004-focal-arm64-v20231213 Canonical, Ubuntu, 20.04 LTS Pro Server, arm64 focal pro server image built on 2023-12-13
ubuntu-pro-2004-focal-v20231213 Canonical, Ubuntu, 20.04 LTS Pro Server, amd64 focal pro server image built on 2023-12-13
ubuntu-pro-2204-jammy-arm64-v20231213a Canonical, Ubuntu, 22.04 LTS Pro Server, arm64 jammy pro server image built on 2023-12-13
ubuntu-pro-2204-jammy-v20231213a Canonical, Ubuntu, 22.04 LTS Pro Server, amd64 jammy pro server image built on 2023-12-13
ubuntu-pro-fips-1804-bionic-v20230530 Canonical, Ubuntu, 18.04 LTS Pro FIPS Server, amd64 bionic pro fips server image built on 2023-05-30, supports Shielded VM features
ubuntu-pro-fips-2004-focal-v20231022 Canonical, Ubuntu, 20.04 LTS Pro FIPS Server, amd64 focal pro fips server image built on 2023-10-22
sql-2014-enterprise-windows-2016-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2014 Enterprise, on Windows Server 2016 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213
windows-server-2016-dc-core-v20231213 Microsoft, Windows Server, 2016 Datacenter Core, Server Core, x64 built on 20231213
windows-server-2016-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, Windows Server, 2016 Datacenter, Server with Desktop Experience, x64 built on 20231213
windows-server-2019-dc-core-v20231213 Microsoft, Windows Server, 2019 Datacenter Core, Server Core, x64 built on 20231213
windows-server-2019-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, Windows Server, 2019 Datacenter, Server with Desktop Experience, x64 built on 20231213
windows-server-2022-dc-core-v20231213 Microsoft, Windows Server, 2022 Datacenter Core, Server Core, x64 built on 20231213
windows-server-2022-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, Windows Server, 2022 Datacenter, Server with Desktop Experience, x64 built on 20231213
sql-2016-enterprise-windows-2016-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2016 Enterprise, on Windows Server 2016 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213
sql-2016-enterprise-windows-2019-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2016 Enterprise, on Windows Server 2019 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213
sql-2016-standard-windows-2016-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2016 Standard, on Windows Server 2016 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213
sql-2016-standard-windows-2019-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2016 Standard, on Windows Server 2019 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213
sql-2016-web-windows-2016-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2016 Web, on Windows Server 2016 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213
sql-2016-web-windows-2019-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2016 Web, on Windows Server 2019 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213
sql-2017-enterprise-windows-2016-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2017 Enterprise, on Windows Server 2016 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213
sql-2017-enterprise-windows-2019-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2017 Enterprise, on Windows Server 2019 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213
sql-2017-enterprise-windows-2022-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2017 Enterprise, on Windows Server 2022 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213
sql-2017-express-windows-2016-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2017 Express, on Windows Server 2016 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213
sql-2017-express-windows-2019-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2017 Express, on Windows Server 2019 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213
sql-2017-standard-windows-2016-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2017 Standard, on Windows Server 2016 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213
sql-2017-standard-windows-2019-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2017 Standard, on Windows Server 2019 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213
sql-2017-standard-windows-2022-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2017 Standard, on Windows Server 2022 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213
sql-2017-web-windows-2016-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2017 Web, on Windows Server 2016 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213
sql-2017-web-windows-2019-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2017 Web, on Windows Server 2019 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213
sql-2017-web-windows-2022-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2017 Web, on Windows Server 2022 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213
sql-2019-enterprise-windows-2019-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2019 Enterprise, on Windows Server 2019 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213
sql-2019-enterprise-windows-2022-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2019 Enterprise, on Windows Server 2022 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213
sql-2019-standard-windows-2019-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2019 Standard, on Windows Server 2019 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213
sql-2019-standard-windows-2022-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2019 Standard, on Windows Server 2022 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213
sql-2019-web-windows-2019-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2019 Web, on Windows Server 2019 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213
sql-2019-web-windows-2022-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2019 Web, on Windows Server 2022 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213
sql-2022-enterprise-windows-2019-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2022 Enterprise, on Windows Server 2019 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213
sql-2022-enterprise-windows-2022-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2022 Enterprise, on Windows Server 2022 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213
sql-2022-standard-windows-2019-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2022 Standard, on Windows Server 2019 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213
sql-2022-standard-windows-2022-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2022 Standard, on Windows Server 2022 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213
sql-2022-web-windows-2019-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2022 Web, on Windows Server 2019 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213
sql-2022-web-windows-2022-dc-v20231213 Microsoft, SQL Server 2022 Web, on Windows Server 2022 Datacenter, x64 built on 20231213