如何将 lambda 与自托管 kafka 连接起来

如何将 lambda 与自托管 kafka 连接起来

我正在尝试在不同的托管服务提供商上连接 kafka 和 aws lambda。当我通过 AWS EC2 连接时,它可以正常工作,因为它们位于同一个 VPC 中,但是当我尝试在不同的托管服务提供商上连接 kafka 和 lambda 时,由于以下原因,它不起作用。

Last processing result: PROBLEM: Connection error. Please check your event source connection configuration. If your event source lives in a VPC, try setting up a new Lambda function or EC2 instance with the same VPC, Subnet, and Security Group settings. Connect the new device to the Kafka cluster and consume messages to ensure that the issue is not related to VPC or Endpoint configuration. If the new device is able to consume messages, please contact Lambda customer support for further investigation.


