Install-WindowsFeature RSAT-ADDS - 安装错误

Install-WindowsFeature RSAT-ADDS - 安装错误

因此,我只在安装的 RSAT-ADDS 上收到以下错误:

PS C:\Windows\system32> Install-WindowsFeature RSAT-ADDS
Install-WindowsFeature : The request to add or remove features on the specified server failed.
Installation of one or more roles, role services, or features failed.
The referenced assembly could not be found. Error: 0x80073701
At line:1 char:1
+ Install-WindowsFeature RSAT-ADDS
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (@{Vhd=; Credent...Name=localhost}:PSObject) [Install-WindowsFeature],
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : DISMAPI_Error__Failed_To_Enable_Updates,Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.Commands.AddWind

Success Restart Needed Exit Code      Feature Result
------- -------------- ---------      --------------
False   No             Failed         {}

如果使用服务器管理器,则会出现同样的错误。操作系统:Windows Server 2016
