如果有附件,如何添加免责声明? - Exchange 2010

如果有附件,如何添加免责声明? - Exchange 2010

目前,我们有一份非常长的免责声明,分为两段。第一段涉及电子邮件内容本身。第二段涉及发出的附件(通常是 AutoCAD 图纸)及其使用/修改方式以及这些附件属于我公司的财产等。

我想将免责声明分成两部分 - 一部分始终附加,另一部分仅在邮件中有附件时才附加。

这可能吗?我在 Google、Technet 和 ServerFault 上搜索过,但找不到答案。



# Our disclaimer, with HTML and fancy predicates:
$DisclaimerText = @"
<div style="color: #00FF00; font-family: 'Comic-sans'">
We, here at %%Company%% hate the environment, and want YOU to invest in additional storage!
Please take these extra bytes of HTML as a sign of our gratitude towards your continued support of natural resource depletion
*Patent forms*, *legal threats*, *copyright voodo* Trademark pending
</div><div><img src="http://images.malware.biz/cutepuppy.jpg" /></div>

# Create a new transport rule for mails sent from inside the organization and out
New-TransportRule -Name "LegalDisclaimer" -ApplyHtmlDisclaimerText $DisclaimerText -FromScope InOrganization -SentToScope NotInOrganization


仅在存在附件的情况下应用第二个免责声明,请测试附件大小是否超过 0 字节:

# Another disclaimer, with HTML and fancy predicates:
$AttachmentText = @"
<div style="color: #FF0000; font-family: 'Comic-sans'">
We, here at %%Company%% still hate the environment, and want YOU to invest in even MORE additional storage!
Please accept this huge attachment in our course of world domination. Thanks in Advance
*Patent forms*, *legal threats*, *copyright voodo* Trademark pending
</div><div><img src="http://images.malware.biz/cutepuppywithhat.jpg" /></div>

# Create a new transport rule with the same scopes, but for only emails with attachments
New-TransportRule -Name "AttachmentDisclaimer" -AttachmentSizeOver 0 -ApplyHtmlDisclaimerText $AttachmentText -FromScope InOrganization -SentToScope NotInOrganization

