我遇到了一个非常奇怪的问题,我重新启动了我的 PC(Ubuntu 10.10),当登录屏幕返回时,无论我选择哪个用户,它都会展开密码字段并在不到 1 秒的时间内再次将其折叠。
不起作用,所以我无法远程登录,但是我可以在 tty 登录,但仍然无法通过 GDM 登录。
我尝试通过sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome-desktop
有关重新配置 gnome 的许多其他命令重新安装 gnome,但没有任何帮助。
我的一些错误日志xserver log
和以下内容相同startup error log
(ww) warning , couldn't open module nvidia
(EE) Failed to load module 'nvidia' ( module doesn't exist , 0 )
(EE) no drivers avaliable
fatal server error :
no screens found
2- 在恢复模式 + failxsafe 中:我曾尝试为我的硬件创建一个默认配置,但重新启动后,同样的问题再次出现。
3-我曾尝试按照 Jorge 建议的步骤重新安装 nVidia 驱动程序:
sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-96 /// i took a while
sudo nvidi-setting -r to write new config
4-我尝试安装sudo apt-get install nvidia-173
我运行sudo nividia-setting
nvidia-setting --help
5- 在出现这个问题之前我遇到了这个问题漏洞,但我对此一无所知:
Screen Blanks/Monitor Turns Off
Using a laptop with a GeForce Go card, or connecting the sole display via DVI on a dual-head system sometimes results in the screen not receiving a picture. This is caused by the driver outputting video to the VGA port on the graphics card, instead of DVI.
The usual hint that you have this problem is when you hear the startup sound but nothing appears on the screen. If you do not hear any sound, you are more than likely experiencing unrelated problems.
This is a launchpad bug about displays on digital outputs being blank when using NVIDIA binary driver, and can be resolved by editing your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file:
Switch to the console (Try using ctrl+alt+F1, or reboot and select recovery mode from the GRUB menu.)
Use your text editor to open /etc/X11/xorg.conf. (try sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf)
Find the line that says Section "Screen"
Insert a new line that says Option "UseDisplayDevice" "DFP".
Save the file. If you had to restart into recovery mode, type reboot, otherwise restart your display using sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart.
然后我去了 vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf
,发现文件是空的。ubuntu 有一个名为的备份文件xorg.conf.backup
看起来你的内核升级时你的 nvidia 驱动程序没有得到更新;如果你手动或通过网站安装驱动程序,就会发生这种情况。
您可以通过在控制台中运行来重新安装 nvidia 驱动程序。从这里您可以列出可用的驱动程序并安装它们。
jockey-text -l
jockey-text -l
xorg:nvidia_173 - NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (Proprietary, Disabled, Not in use)
xorg:nvidia_current - NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (Proprietary, Enabled, In use)
然后您可以使用 -e 标志启用它们,例如:
jockey-text -e xorg:nvidia_current
或者jockey-text -e xorg:nvidia_173