我运行的是 CentOS 6。
我启用了 coredump 生成,因此它生成了大小为 300MB 的内核核心转储。
这 300MB 中捕获了哪些信息?有没有办法可以列出里面捕获的所有内存段?我可以微调捕获的信息吗?
Red Hat Crash Utility 是一个特定于内核的调试器。它通常用于在系统出现恐慌、锁定或无响应时执行事后系统分析。该实用程序可用于调查:
Live Linux systems
Linux kernel core dumps created by the Kdump facility
Compressed Linux kernel core dumps created by the makedumpfile command (from kdump dumpfiles)
Linux kernel core dumps created from by the Red Hat Netdump facility
Linux kernel core dumps created from by the Red Hat Diskdump facility
Compressed Linux kernel core dumps created by the Red Hat Diskdump facility
Xen host Linux kernel core dumps created by the Kdump facility
Xen guest Linux kernel core dumps created by the original xendump facility
Xen guest Linux kernel core dumps created by the ELF-format xendump facility
Xen hypervisor core dumps created by the Kdump facility
KVM guest Linux kernel core dumps created by the virsh dump facility
s390 Linux kernel core dumps created by the IBM standalone core dump facility.
s390x Linux kernel core dumps created by the IBM standalone core dump facility.
Linux kernel core dumps created by the LKCD (Linux Kernel Crash Dumps) Sourceforge project
Linux kernel core dumps created by the Mcore patch offered by Mission Critical Linux